01-17-2004, 06:52 AM
01-22-2004, 10:12 PM
In regards to Japschins last post...It's Satan.
01-23-2004, 12:29 AM
Hehhehe dark, serious if I could without any lawsuits etc., I would slap the crap out of the kids.
I think those 'supportive of rude behaviors" parents should be sent for re-education.
They expect the teachers to be parents and teachers both at the same time, while they threaten the teachers in front of the kids and teach their kids to be bad/rude.
I believe that one should teach children with reasonings but sometimes some kids only learn the hard way. Not every child will respond to gentle teachings and patience.:p

I think those 'supportive of rude behaviors" parents should be sent for re-education.
They expect the teachers to be parents and teachers both at the same time, while they threaten the teachers in front of the kids and teach their kids to be bad/rude.
I believe that one should teach children with reasonings but sometimes some kids only learn the hard way. Not every child will respond to gentle teachings and patience.:p
01-23-2004, 08:44 AM
Well if the principals tell you all to not do anything but let the kids fight with each other and you aren't really supposed to even tell any of the kids to even pay attention, then just let them not learn anything. The parents are responsible for making their kids learn, you are there to teach. It's not your fault if they fail. So when the kids are about 4 grades behind and the parents are whining about their childrens grades it'll be the parents fault.
01-23-2004, 01:17 PM
When the kids fight, they go home and tell the parents. The parents will then call up and complain to the principal abt the teacher not stopping the fight. They would even call the teacher up or turn up at the teachers' office and yell at the teacher. I'd seen that so many times when I was in the office preparing for the next lesson.
What I did was, I just sent the kids to the vice principal or the principal. I saved my voice and breath. I remember the first day of class, I had to talk so loudly so that those noisy kids could hear me. I lost my voice for the next 3 days. Hehehhehe :p After that, what da hell...I just sent the troublemakers to the principal's office. I didn't bother if they couldn't keep up with the rest of the class or missed the lesson.
When the parents or the kids complained, I just told them, "If you guys want to learn more or keep up with the syllabus, stop creating troubles!"
I seriously did not have that much time to give them remedial lessons. I taught at 8am and did not return home till 4pm almost everyday. Then had to grade their assignments (MAN! The school designated so much homework for each subjects, and I was teaching 6 subjects), a lot of times I had to grade till 2am in the morning so that I could return them the next day. DANG! No OT pay! :eek: I saw a lot of teachers just assigning the designated homework and never marking them/returning them to the students. I sure wasn't going to do that.
Well, those kids just thought that it was so easy to grade all their "BAD" work. They hounded me practically everyday to returned their homework when I was only a day late. Some parents actually called me up to ask me to return them within a day. Dohz....the kids only had to do 1 piece of work for each subjects and I had to mark 40 pieces of work for each subject. *TIRED*
One funny note about the parents is that they blame it on the teachers when their kids are being rude to them. They actually told the teachers that they should be the one teaching their kids to be well-mannered and be respectful to the elders.
I'm really glad that I stop teaching and went back to school for my 2nd degree. I seriously doubt that I would ever want to go into teaching again. Too much stress, too little pay!

What I did was, I just sent the kids to the vice principal or the principal. I saved my voice and breath. I remember the first day of class, I had to talk so loudly so that those noisy kids could hear me. I lost my voice for the next 3 days. Hehehhehe :p After that, what da hell...I just sent the troublemakers to the principal's office. I didn't bother if they couldn't keep up with the rest of the class or missed the lesson.
When the parents or the kids complained, I just told them, "If you guys want to learn more or keep up with the syllabus, stop creating troubles!"
I seriously did not have that much time to give them remedial lessons. I taught at 8am and did not return home till 4pm almost everyday. Then had to grade their assignments (MAN! The school designated so much homework for each subjects, and I was teaching 6 subjects), a lot of times I had to grade till 2am in the morning so that I could return them the next day. DANG! No OT pay! :eek: I saw a lot of teachers just assigning the designated homework and never marking them/returning them to the students. I sure wasn't going to do that.
Well, those kids just thought that it was so easy to grade all their "BAD" work. They hounded me practically everyday to returned their homework when I was only a day late. Some parents actually called me up to ask me to return them within a day. Dohz....the kids only had to do 1 piece of work for each subjects and I had to mark 40 pieces of work for each subject. *TIRED*
One funny note about the parents is that they blame it on the teachers when their kids are being rude to them. They actually told the teachers that they should be the one teaching their kids to be well-mannered and be respectful to the elders.
I'm really glad that I stop teaching and went back to school for my 2nd degree. I seriously doubt that I would ever want to go into teaching again. Too much stress, too little pay!

01-23-2004, 08:38 PM
Sounds like the Military...
02-14-2004, 11:36 PM
Im a senior in my high school, freshman are very mouthy and sometimes have to be put in there place.
02-15-2004, 05:16 AM
Man...reading you guy's posts is really depressing. Mostly 'cause it's true... Where I live, my own generation was missed. It probably just took more time for the "Disease" to spread to The Middle Of Nowhere, USA. You can definitely see the trend in the generations behind, however. I remember we used to have high school teachers that we'd had like two years ago, come in to a classroom or something to talk to that class's teacher or whatever and before they'd leave they tell us "God, I wish I had you guy's back" then would turn to our teacher and be like "You have your work cut out for you." You could tell she just wanted to scream. Saying those kids were "difficult" does not begin to describe. I was at least lucky enough to be lumped into a generation of "good" kids. I can only think of about 5-6 people who are actually complete and utter idiots. That's pretty good. I'm sure glad I didn't have to grow up with some of these other people I see. Then again, there were some classes that had different age groups, God help me. AP English was a nightmare of nightmares-the teacher was old and kind of hard of hearing, so these kids take advantage of that to say random words at different times in the class. yeah, you're funny kids. Maybe the first time it was a bit funny, but we're nearing the end of the frickin' semester and you have yet to shut UP!
About beating/punishment: Well I hate to say beating, got a few bad connotations there, but yeah, there's nothing wrong with the majority. Don't want to be shakin' no babies or anything like that, no drunk fits of rage and toss your kid over a banister. The time I was spanked that I remember most was when I was real little. I wandered away from the house over the the lake that's close by. When mom found out where I was, she comes running up with a spoon and broke it on my bum. Ow... But, you know, you need it for that sort of thing. I could easily have fallen in the lake, mom was so scared.
My younger sibling seems to be turning out all right. He's up among a bunch of idiots though. Oh, one of his "friends"(he doesn't actually like him too much) is like the premier example of what you guys are talking about. He SWORE to his grandmother and he was only like 6. She's a nice person too...makes you feel real bad, that. The issue is, the problem is only going to get worse. I'm just worried these fools will have kids, and how and the heck do you think THOSE kids are going to turn out? I just hope people wake up to this, since many don't seem to. Someone better figure out that 2 and 2 is 4, because this probably is.....how shall i put it....OBVIOUS. I think no matter where you go you have a line where things start going wrong. Anyway, I at least hope that some of these people wake up when they hit the real world, cause I don't know how any of them are going to hold a job. Wow...this ranting board is very....cleansing isn't it?
About beating/punishment: Well I hate to say beating, got a few bad connotations there, but yeah, there's nothing wrong with the majority. Don't want to be shakin' no babies or anything like that, no drunk fits of rage and toss your kid over a banister. The time I was spanked that I remember most was when I was real little. I wandered away from the house over the the lake that's close by. When mom found out where I was, she comes running up with a spoon and broke it on my bum. Ow... But, you know, you need it for that sort of thing. I could easily have fallen in the lake, mom was so scared.
My younger sibling seems to be turning out all right. He's up among a bunch of idiots though. Oh, one of his "friends"(he doesn't actually like him too much) is like the premier example of what you guys are talking about. He SWORE to his grandmother and he was only like 6. She's a nice person too...makes you feel real bad, that. The issue is, the problem is only going to get worse. I'm just worried these fools will have kids, and how and the heck do you think THOSE kids are going to turn out? I just hope people wake up to this, since many don't seem to. Someone better figure out that 2 and 2 is 4, because this probably is.....how shall i put it....OBVIOUS. I think no matter where you go you have a line where things start going wrong. Anyway, I at least hope that some of these people wake up when they hit the real world, cause I don't know how any of them are going to hold a job. Wow...this ranting board is very....cleansing isn't it?
02-22-2004, 01:23 AM
Sounds like one thing we all agree for sure - there are big problems nowadays with today's youth. Just a few days ago, I happened to walk by an elementary school playground. Three kids were smoking pot on Thursday afternoon around 3 o'clock out in the open. It boggles my mind. Spanking or what may it be, something needs to be done about those kinds of behavior. Can't just let 'em run wild like they do nowadays.
In regards to Evolution vs. Creation theories, I think both should be taught in school, evolution in science class and creationism in religious studies class.
In regards to Evolution vs. Creation theories, I think both should be taught in school, evolution in science class and creationism in religious studies class.
02-22-2004, 01:58 AM
I think since evolution can't be proven it shouldn't be taught in a science class. It's a little different for creationism. Since a bible class is all about that then it's ok to teach it. But in science, evolution should be laughed at. You can NOT prove that it is there. It's more for science FICTION, like teleporting and time travel. Time travel cannot be in the abstract. Like going back in time and stopping time in general. Evolution is science fiction and they don't teach time travel in science class so why something as outrageous as evolution. It's good for X-Men and stuff but that's about it. If you beleive in evolution, that's fine but you can't prove that I came from a monkey and you can't prove that the monkey came from a rock sitting in some boiling water. You can't prove the earth is millions of years old because carbon dating is HIGHLY inaccurate. If in the evolution theory, all matter came from a small dot that spun so fast the universe exploded from it, and in science you can't make matter from nothing, then where did the dot of matter that made the universe come from? Anyways...I'm done.

02-22-2004, 02:45 AM
We are going a little different tangent here from the thread subject.
Anyway, I don't know why you say evolution is not proven?!?!?!?! Of course, nothing is 100% proven, but we humans are pretty good at deducing from known facts. The known facts suggests the progressive change of humanoid skull shapes. First from Ape like Ostralo Pythecus (spell?) to Homo Habilis to Homo Eractus to Cromagnon men to present day Homo Sapiens (a lot more in between) appears. Obvously different species cannot come out of nowhere overnight and these progressive changes shows that one comes from the other. Otherwise there are no other way to explain presence of these diffenerent skull shapes. Only other way to interpret this is one species became extinct and the other appeared as a toally new species, which is quite implausible. From this, we can only dedcut that there is slow variation in skull shape over time. Unless other evidence prove otherwise, this is the best dedcution and most widely accepted theory we have and hence excepted as scientific knowlege. That's how our court system works, too. The court deduces from known facts and determine whether a person is guilty or not. If a person is found to be guilty, does that mean it is 100% proven? Of course not. But we accept it as a truth based on evidence and deduction.
On the other hand, creationists have not come up with more rational explanation or evidence that can override evolution theory. It does not mean that it should be dismissed. But until it could be further proved with known facts rather than blind faith, it should be taught in religious studies. Famous inventor painter Galileo Galilei was once percecuted by christians for saying earth revolves around the sun. They laughed at him and forced him to appologize publicly for his lying, but now we accepted it as scientific truth because we believe it to be the most rational explanation. No one can actually see earth going around the sun. It sure does look like sun going around the earth, but known facts suggests otherwise.
Summary: we accept most likely scenario as science, which is evolution, not creationism.
edit: As for Big bang theory, it's not the same thing. The scientific community has not accepted it as a truth based upon hard facts but rather, only a mere speculation at this point.
Anyway, I don't know why you say evolution is not proven?!?!?!?! Of course, nothing is 100% proven, but we humans are pretty good at deducing from known facts. The known facts suggests the progressive change of humanoid skull shapes. First from Ape like Ostralo Pythecus (spell?) to Homo Habilis to Homo Eractus to Cromagnon men to present day Homo Sapiens (a lot more in between) appears. Obvously different species cannot come out of nowhere overnight and these progressive changes shows that one comes from the other. Otherwise there are no other way to explain presence of these diffenerent skull shapes. Only other way to interpret this is one species became extinct and the other appeared as a toally new species, which is quite implausible. From this, we can only dedcut that there is slow variation in skull shape over time. Unless other evidence prove otherwise, this is the best dedcution and most widely accepted theory we have and hence excepted as scientific knowlege. That's how our court system works, too. The court deduces from known facts and determine whether a person is guilty or not. If a person is found to be guilty, does that mean it is 100% proven? Of course not. But we accept it as a truth based on evidence and deduction.
On the other hand, creationists have not come up with more rational explanation or evidence that can override evolution theory. It does not mean that it should be dismissed. But until it could be further proved with known facts rather than blind faith, it should be taught in religious studies. Famous inventor painter Galileo Galilei was once percecuted by christians for saying earth revolves around the sun. They laughed at him and forced him to appologize publicly for his lying, but now we accepted it as scientific truth because we believe it to be the most rational explanation. No one can actually see earth going around the sun. It sure does look like sun going around the earth, but known facts suggests otherwise.
Summary: we accept most likely scenario as science, which is evolution, not creationism.
edit: As for Big bang theory, it's not the same thing. The scientific community has not accepted it as a truth based upon hard facts but rather, only a mere speculation at this point.
02-22-2004, 09:21 AM
Well everyone here does know I'm a creationist, but what they don't know is I've always beleived in God and once beleived in evolution myself. I have always been aware of the Bible and what it says. I had always thought that God made everything through evolution. Then I started seeing things a little different. Loopholes in evolution and how carbon dating was always giving different readings to the same things and such. And people blatantly trying to prove we started as cromagnons and there was no true reason to beleive it. I started reading my Bible more and comparing it to the things I thought were right in evolution and wound up proving myself wrong. So the more I read my Bible the more I saw I was wrong in my old thinking. I thought that there was NO WAY the Earth was just MADE. That can't be!!! But the more I compared it to things I beleived in evolution the more I found the Bible to be true. It's easier in my eyes to beleive in a more "developed and structured idea" like evolution and maybe scientology than it is to beleive in something as simple as the Bibles teachings. BUT!!!...the more I studied the Bible, the more I saw that it was true. I'm not trying to convert anybody by saying they are wrong, because no one is wrong for making their own (thought out) beliefs. I'm just saying I found my own truths. I hope we don't get this thread locked because I find it very interesting that we have such different opinions. And I also find it an Honorable and Respectable thread for the way we have carried ourselves through this conversation. We haven't attacked each other, nor have we disagreed with ourselves in a childish manner that often gets threads locked. I appreciate everyone who has read my thoughts and not gotten "angry" with me. I respect all of your opinions and thank you for reading this.
02-22-2004, 09:31 AM
Hey to be getting back on the preverbial track...what is it with corporate america telling us what to do??? Like coke is better than pepsi and pepsi is better than coke. This car is more for you than that one. You should support this and do away with that. Why does corporate anything direspect our society by not "letting" us make our own decisions???
02-22-2004, 03:45 PM
Dark Osamu
I didn't see any problems with your posts in this thread. I don't see why you said this thread could be locked?!?!?!?! Isn't that what the rants section are about? It's more intersting because people think differently- thank goodness for that.
I didn't see any problems with your posts in this thread. I don't see why you said this thread could be locked?!?!?!?! Isn't that what the rants section are about? It's more intersting because people think differently- thank goodness for that.
02-22-2004, 06:11 PM
I only said that because I have been here long enough and know that JJ and Schultz will sometimes lock a thread before it turns into something that it isn't. Don't take this stuff so personal dude. I don't care if you hate me or my opinions but you need to stop taking things so seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if this thing gets locked now because of this retort. I could have attacked you directly in my last post and really gotten in trouble on here but I decided to say "hey this is what happened to myself" as to keep from DISRESPECTING YOU! If you really want me to go off on you like you seem to want then send me a PM because I respect everyone enough as to not start a FLAME WAR and my stupid tail in trouble with my buds, JJ and Schultz. I will gladly push the repsect envelope with you if you want it. So please...PLEASE, would you lighten up and stop making things bigger than they are. I meant absolutley NOTHING by my last post to offend ANYONE!!! So now, that I have tried to explain that I have done my best not to offend you yet again, are you going to blow THIS post out of proprtion too??? I even tried changing the subject back to the real topic of choice and you still won't let it go.
To any mod: I am sorry if I get this locked for trying to explain myself. I didn't want this to go this far. I am trying to drop what it turned into and get it back on track. I again apologize to you all especially Ka-Talliya and JJ and Schultz. And to Hbk if this offends you too.
To any mod: I am sorry if I get this locked for trying to explain myself. I didn't want this to go this far. I am trying to drop what it turned into and get it back on track. I again apologize to you all especially Ka-Talliya and JJ and Schultz. And to Hbk if this offends you too.