Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
It really should be left at "to each his own."
It really should, but then we see sanosuke saying "to each their own, but your own is shitty compared to mine, and I lose no sleep in knowing that". Which obviously will tick people off.
Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
Thats why i said the above.

why do people take this shit so personal? reducing a mere debate to something so bitter is actually quite sad.
"to each his own", good call dude! i dont want to hate any of you guys, we all love anime no matter which way its watched so we should be concentrating our efforts into convincing people that they aint cartoons and infact we are cool people, not sad adults that just couldnt grow up (well hopefully thats the case).
and i think my ring comparrision is quite good because when an anime is dubbed its uses american voice actors, the script is americanised, occasionally the plot is altered (lots in some cases) and parts of the anime are sometimes cut, there it would be an american version of the anime much like the ring being an american version of ringu. in some cases animes are almost completely different when americanised. see my point?
how come no one supported me in this arguement?
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
how come no one supported me in this arguement?
Give an example of an anime totally changed by a Dub (beyond edited for TV versions).
Second, they are cartoons. Just like all the cartoons on adult swim are in fact cartoons (even though many of them are pretty damn adult).
Oh I love how you throw that in there
Quote:Give an example of an anime totally changed by a Dub (beyond edited for TV versions
because look at DBZ... that was changed by leaps and bounds... That is a perfect example of how an anime can be changed by going to a dub... oh that is altering the content...
Hey I like dub and subs you like what you like...
It does seem like a trend in these kind of discussions that people who prefer subs think that people who like dubs are stupid/not true anime fans/blablabla. But the people who prefer dubs say "To each their own". To sum it up, sub lovers are flamming dub lovers and not the other way arround. You will rarely hear a dub lover say that people who read subs are watching it the wrong way. Just an observation
Oh, and the ring/ringu comparison would only work if american anime companies would make for instance a remake of dragonballz in which goku was drawn as Daffy duck or something.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
Give an example of an anime totally changed by a Dub (beyond edited for TV versions).
Generator Gawl alot of times the american Dub has nothing to do with what the original one was saying.. Not even remotly close.. Also some parts in Orphan.. my friend had to watch it subbed to even understand the ending and to not keep him guessing.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Arcon, you got 15 posts. Why are you trying to flex? I'm sure you flaming is the solution. My god. He is a genius. Flaming is the solution to every problem. Wish I was as wise as he and had thought of this earlier.
Post Count != Knowledge or anything.. I actually removed post counts from the phpbb2 forum because i hated people making comments about post counts.. It don't measure anything. Some people have alot of knowledge that don't like to post or will only post when something pisses them off.. I know Arcon posts alot at ArcticNightFall's Forums.. And he is generally respected there from what i have read.. but i think on ANF's forums i only have like 5 posts..
But i think i will close this thread now.. I missed a day of stuff that went on.. and i think it went past what i considered appropiate..