just out of interest id like to know, just what country would be fine but any other detail would be interesting...
ill add a poll to keep results, im sorry if you country isnt there!

American. Region 1 all the way baby!
I was born in Pakistan, but have been in the US since I was 3. So what am I supposed to vote for? Where I'm currently at or where I'm originally from?
well i was original interested in where you were brought up or currently live because no doubt that would influence whether you like anime or not, like if you live in ireland youve probably no idea what it is, well it was that way 5 years ago. as for you vicious probably usa because youve spend most of your life there but whatever you want dude because i wouldnt want to take your roots away from you, i know all about that shit dude.
I was born in NY. I lived in a town called "Owego" for the first thirteen years of my glorious life, then we move to NC (hell). I still live with my parents, and I am twenty-two. As soon as I hit twenty-six I have to move out of this hole.

I was born in Perry Fl. & been here since then. I've moved once, but it was from living next to my mother's mother, to living in the same house as my dad's mom & step dad. We bought their house, they bulit one down the road & moved out.
Born in Panama City Fl. Moved to a little town called Apalachicole when I was 2 and lived in 2 houses while there. Then at 7 my family moved to this horrid little town called Perry, and now on my 3rd house here. In 2 weeks though I'm moving again to Destin Fl. I'm ready to move outta Florida for god sakes, I'm tired of having to make new friends. But i guess i have to get over that...
I was born and raised in Michigan and lived there until I was 25.
Now I'm married and raising children in Ontario at the age of 33.
When people ask me where I'm from, I say Michigan. When they ask me where my home is, I say Ontario.
I was born in Malaysia (the home fo AS/MAC!). Moved to Montreal, Canada when I was 8 which is where I still live
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
as for you vicious probably usa because youve spend most of your life there but whatever you want dude because i wouldnt want to take your roots away from you, i know all about that shit dude.
It doesn't bother me. I claim noone and no race. I actually can't stand most indian/paki people. Tehy expect favors from you and crap wherever they go. I'm like get away from me. Do I know you? I owe you nothing.
Lived in Massachusetts for 26 years, been here in Colorado for just over a year now since Chrysler transferred me. It's kinda weird living so far away from most of the people I know. That part sucks but in mostly every other aspect this state is much better.

Shibo, so you're up in Cashan country right now?

USA... Delaware to be exact.