Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
Who would put that crap in their body? It's a heartattack on a stick, but so are most fried foods. I'm a vegan for a reason, and I think I found out why. I try to eat healthy most of the time anyways.
when you said vegan were u tryin to say virgan srry to be a ss about that i was just saying my mind:o
Quote:Who would put that crap in their body? It's a heartattack on a stick, but so are most fried foods.
Are you dissin scottish cuisine? :p Here, if it can be fried we fry it, if it can't be fried we'll add some batter to it and then fry it. And if it has been fried already? Heck we'll fry it again. eg. fried pizzas... just in case there wasn't enough calories in it the first time.

Wow, that's some crazy stuff. I tried a fried Twinkie last weekend at the local festival, and I almost died it was so sugar loaded. Oh well, I'll stick to my eating habits and you can definately keep yours

i must say, although a bit dodgy, battered mars bars are suprising damn good, i used to eat them a lunch in school about 6 years ago.
I must have battered chocolate! It is just so tempting.

I've eaten some weird shit in my life, so that doesn't sound that difficult to handle. Fried chocolate is fine by me. One thing that blew me away was that we were in this Thai restaurant and my friend Mouk knows the owners. Anyway, we were just sitting there and he asks for something from the back to add to this sauce, it was like in this tiny sealed container and he tells us to try it. Me and my friend just had to ask, it's like instinct when a Thai person tells you to try it. So, he says that if he tells us we'd never try it. So me and my friend just look at each other, and we're like "We're Vietnamese...we eat anything bro." He's like nah you won't eat it if I tell ya what it is. At this point we're really curious and keep pushin the subject without actually trying it. So he finally reveals that it's cow shit. It apparently makes the sauce taste bitter in a unique way. Right when he said that Me and Anh look at each other and back to Mouk, we're like "You're right...we won't try that." The thing is we didn't believe him at first, until he just called the lady over and didn't imply anything and just asked her what the stuff he put in the sauce was. She just gave him this look and chuckled lightly and walked away not saying anything. To this day I have no clue if he was just shittin us, but Thai people do eat a lot of crazy shit. I wouldn't put it past him. If they can eat live monkey brain, cow shit isn't off da wall. Takes the whole sentence "Who would put that crap into their body?" to a whole new level ^_^.
Living in the country and having friends whos parents have dairy farms, we used to have cow shit fights all the time.The problem was if someone got a clean shot to your face then sometimes you end up with a mouthfull. (note if your going to. Always have shit fights next to a river) I must say it tastes as bad as it smells.

Quote:Originally posted by wrxh8r
Living in the country and having friends whos parents have dairy farms, we used to have cow shit fights all the time.The problem was if someone got a clean shot to your face then sometimes you end up with a mouthfull. (note if your going to. Always have shit fights next to a river) I must say it tastes as bad as it smells.
For some strange reason I find shit fights anywhere to be kinda I don't know...odd? And the problem isn't getting a clean shot to the face, but that one of your means of entertainment is to start shit fights lol. Not meaning to bash ya bro, but that's just what I think.
Ah yes but when trying to find entertainment in the country 23km from closest shithole town.what do you do.I have done many a dumbass thing.And dont get me wrong a shit fight isnt exactly a common occurance.It normaly starts off by someone trying to pull of a practical joke then turns into an all out war. I cant say i would do it now though.Another good one is having water fights with the sprinklers they use to water the paddocks with.They are powerfull enough to throw a person if you get them directly in the chest at close range hahahahaha.
wrxh8r, I love your signature!! I love ducks, so the RUbber duck thing is awesome!!
Its actualy a quote from my favourite book."The hitchikers guide to the galaxy" by douglas adams.
Then it's the kewlest quote ever!!!!!!

That's a great book, I miss Douglas Adams. sniff sniff