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Successful trade with sideswipe. A+++
Succesful trade with NYxCalm yet again!
successful trade with Junkie Joe :!:
Sucessful trade with cowsrmooin47, thanks for the DVDs

successful trade with Junkie Joe
successful trade with cowsrmooin47
successful trade with Xellos2099

Successful Trade With:
Sent middle fingers <^>, uncompromising principals, exposing of homos, queers and gays plus raw uncut opinions on f-g mods over there for a PERMANENT BAN.
:wink: WILL TRADE WITH AGAIN ANYTIME :!: A+! Highly Recommended
Great trade with bellreisa. Would definitely want to trade with her again.
Successful 3rd Trade With Rukkus !!
Your end came fast! Why'd you use delivery confirmation? W-A-S-T-E
Successful trade with dsy22. The USPS can to right to hell, though.
successful 3rd trade with NYxCalm
nj PO > ny PO

2nd successful trade with JunkieJoe, thanks a bunch.
2nd Successful trade with Iqubal. Thanks

Successful trade with Akuma.
I should have posted this a while back, but sucessful trade with JJ (Even if my DVD got stuck in Customs -.- )
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