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SUCCESSFUL Trade with FleaBttn!!!
Arrived fast - Neatly packed - Good Trader !
:the I MY ME package I sent you was returned to me for some reason:
:i repackaged it and sent it out PRIORITY TUESDAY:
:you should have it by FRIDAY at latest in CA:
:MSG when you get it so i know, and post good feedback if satisfied:
:thanks man!:
CAREfully packed goods - Big Box - Gave Tracking - OUTstanding
:only gripe is DC game WWF Rumble had damage to top disc:

ome levels unloadable on DC system:
:Overall still satisfied - fair trade:
:hope you're satisfied with the crappola of dvds i offloaded to ya hehe:
:post reciprocative feedback if feelings mutual lol:
Your stuff came quick - sorry I had to send your dvds econo class
:don't kill me man... =( lol:
NYxCALM is a great trader. Highly recommend!!!! Thanx NYxCALM
Great trade with NYxCalm.
successful trade with shibo.
Got the dvd from Nyxcalm.
Woot, two successful trades, one with Xellos, one with NYxCalm!
SUCCESSFUL Trade with XELLOS2099 4th time!
SUCCESSFUL Trade with Soylent Green Legend Ran!!
Good man - fast shipper - LONG HANDLE!! - Too bad you have little else to trade... hehe
:do post reciprovative feedback if satisfied when you recieve my package:
I'll trade with you anyday, hope you feel the same!
SUCCESSFUL Trade With Procrastin8r!! Got the stuff baby.
Why did you include toilet paper/tic tacs/some moldy fruit snack/2 used and crusty erasers/a weird george bush cd? o_O ? and a fragment of a dreamcast memory card, plus an old ancient playstation gameshark? Dude WTF?LMAO? Hey you didn't expect me to eat your snacks in the dusty box now did you? Especially after you wrapped it with toilet paper[used?] Well there you have it folks! A good trader, who fulfills his words, but you might just get more than you bargained for when you deal with this guy. hehehehe!
Good e-mail and AIM contact, everything sent Priority Mail. His stuff came wrapped up in newspaper in a Priority Mail envelope.
Successful trade with rukkus. (On my end anyways.)
SUCCESSFUL TRADE w/ NYxCalm lol dont mess up on the shipping next time. :x

YOOOOO tofu , soybean, whatever ur name is, NOT MY FAULT a friggin tree fell on your house and power line , causing the mailman to run from your house. You're lucky you got the mafia to back you up ITALIANO BOYEEE - you ain't sending this marine to the HUDSON!! WHAWHA!! :o
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