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Just done trade with nyxcalm. He's a trustworthy trader and great to talk to. Hope we'll trade again. :wink:
Successful trade with IRISSCHAN!
where's my color? :oops: aaagh no color?

, nice packing, everything came swell...

hope you enjoy my dvds

Successful trade with Shibo, Good padding, good talking.
Succesful trde with Kakomu! Really, really fast and a good guy. I've known him for a while now, trustworthy guy. Trade with confidence!
Successful trade with JunkieJoe...Did you expect anything less from the site owner :wink:
Successful trade with Shibo... a month or so ago! ^^;
sucessful trade with Vinny
Successful trade with Kakomu, great trader
Succesfull trade with MadMank :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Successful trade with RedFox
Sucessful trade with Shibo and Irisschan.
Successful trade with HarukaTenoh11
Successful trade with gunner7500
Both Highly Recommanded..
Also, for those that are reading this thread right now... i will have it cleaned up in a few days... gonna compile all the successful posts into single first one in a format of:
etc etc..
people will still post a reply with a new successful trade and i will come every few days or so and compile it into the main post... (cleaner way to see the trade rating, until we do something like ebay feedback in the future)
Successful trade with HarukaTenoh11!! Fast Shipping, quick emails. Would trade with again any time. =)
Succesfull trade with Vinny

Succesful trade with OptimisticOX. Also, forgot to do this, but I had a successful trade with Haruka a little ways back.

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