Yes, the Lakers lost. I thought that game was gonna be an easy win when I saw Fisher nailing 3's in the 1st quarter. But I didn't count on Kobe being hurt. I've watched enough Lakers game to know that he was not himself. Normally he would've taken over in the 4th and OT and put it away, but that night, he was scared to take jumpers. Damn!!!! I hope these 2-3 days off helps his shoulder heal. But KG is coming up big. I think LA should let Devean George try and guard him next game. He was doing an ok job the other night.
I could care less what happens in any of the eastern series. That's like paying attention to the NIT while the real NCAA tournament is taking place in the west. Although, I'd love to see Artest kick Toine's ass next time he does his stupid dance.
Preach on brother man Artest is holding back... BUt let's hope PAcers don't have to play Detroit because that would be a nasty series and it would get more coverage than any west match up... Isiah and the PAcers verses his old team that he won champinships for... talk about drama...
Morg, watch Miller shot his fade away jumpers. He will stick his leg out everytime. They called a foul on someone after his shot was already up. It should be a loose ball foul. Wish the refs knew anything about the game.
Thank God Iverson lost. I hate his 76'ers for all they are worth.
Yeah, Miller does do that. But he's been doing that for like over 10 years now. MJ used to do that alot too.
My boys hung on tonight. About time. Shaq finally showed up and dominated. Kobe's still hurting though. Like Bill Walton said, he'll never admit it, but I can tell by watching him that he's not the same player right now. I think KG does deserve the MVP. The poor guy is doing everything he possibly can to keep his team in this series. I'm a huge Kobe fan, but I think the award should go to KG after seeing what he's done these last 4 games.
Does anyone else think that the 1st round was changed to a best of 7 series to accomodate the Lakers? I know they were thinking about it before, but I honestly believe they speeded up the process alot when they realized that the Lakers were gonna be a low seed this year. After all, they do provide the league with the highest ratings.
I think they did it for more money in general. They didn't change it from best of 3 to best of 5 for the Lakers.
By the way as far as Shaq dominating. I wish I had the replay. To get a tip in towards the end, he just pushed Szrbiack. Planted both hands on his chest and pushed him. Cheap ass bastard.

Yea Shaq and those elbows should be considered as fouls just for the way he uses them. Hey I give props to your Boys last night Steve. They played damn good ball the 4th quarter. For awhile I thought my Pacers finally showed up to play ball... I guess not. At least we didn't get a beating like the one Portland hand out Today... Damn that was brutal just to hear...
And the Suns won in a thriller last night too. That's good, since that series is tied at 2 and that's who the Lakers will be playing next. I really am rooting for the Suns, since that'll be a much easier matchup for the Lakers.
Steve, your boy Pierce took Artest to school in that second half. I don't think he has an argument anymore for saying that he deserved to be the Defensive player of the year. I loved that one shot where they showed Paul Pierce running the clock down and talking shit the entire time and then nailing the jumper with 2 seconds left.
Sorry Morg, but my boys raped yours (doesn't sound that nice). Nets here we come to NJ. We won't have any mercy on the wife beater. ^_^
LA prepare to meet thy doom, in San Antonio. Parker and Duncan, goes together like Peanut Butter and Chocolate. :mrgreen:
Lakers looked good the last 2 games. I'm not worried about the Spurs. We'll beat them 4-2. We are going to have trouble with the Kings in the finals though since Rick Fox is injured. Say what you want about the guy, but he's a good defender. He usually does a good job on Peja. The Celtics got their hands full with KMart and Kidd.
Yea we lost but now I will root for your team call good sportsmanship... BUt the lLakers are going to get there ass handed to them by the Spurs. David Robinson wants one more ring before he hangs it up...
The Admiral knows how to rip the Superman a new asshole. :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
The Admiral knows how to rip the Superman a new asshole. :mrgreen:
That's why they got sweeped in last years playoffs and lost 4-1 the year before. They're not a threat to the Lakers. They have nobody that can stop Kobe. Despite what Bruce Bowen has done in the regular season, this is now the playoffs. Kobe rises to the challenge. Always has. Bowen and Ghinobli and whoever else tries to guard him is in for a surprise. Watch and learn.
John Stockton retired yesterday... How depressing.
Yeah, it really sucks that he didn't do 20 years. He deserves a ring so bad with the mailman.
Vicious, my friend is a Lakers fan, I just found out. Sarcastically I said, I bet you were a Bulls fan 6 years ago. He said "Yes" not picking up on it. :mrgreen:
OH I see he goes where Phil Jakson goes he is a Jackson fan... HE HE no really the team that beat the spurs last year isn't here... or else they would have home field advantage thru out the playoffs... next you have a week bench that doesn't step up... last years bench is in the starting line up in a few places and Kobe is playing more minutes than in his whole career just to keep the lakers in the playoffs... Face it the Spurs are going to playhard ball and the Lakers better bring thier A game to win the series.