02-19-2003, 02:58 AM
Seeing as it STILL isn't on the review list (Junkster, could you get it up there, please
) I'll just type it here and then copy and paste when it gets up.
I call it official because I've finished the whole show and it's time to pick it apart.
Video: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
The video came out awesome for a show that's almost 30 years old now and is squeezed 10 episodes a disc, except the last which had 11. But like I said, for 10 episodes a disc. Some fuzziness, to say the least. But not much. The video is very good, and nothing in it will detract from it's viewing.
Sound: 5 out of 5 stars.
Awesome job in this department. Sounds great on my TV. Theres no popping sounds when a special move is screamed at the top of the characters lungs, and the music comes through clear. Excellent job here.
Subtitles: 4 out of 5 stars.
Here's where this release doesn't falter. The subs are great on this release!
I'm not going ot lie to you, though. There are some name changes. Only some. Maybe a few characters at the most. But that's it. Everyone else is correct, maybe with some weird spellings, but correct. So not much loss there.
Also, the attacks and moves shouted in English are changed a bit in the subtitles. Eg., the show says "Getter Beam" while the subs will say "Getter Ray." Nothing terrible. Just listen the the screaming English and you will get it.
The grammar is superb. I doubt and fansub scripts exsist of a show that is about 30 years old and more then 51 episodes, so it must have been all on there own. The grammar is perfectly understandable. Sometimes there will be wierd sentences, but I ain't talking Engrish here. Subtitles are very good for this show.
Other comments:
As soon as I saw this on Animeiacs, I nearly wet my pants. Getter Robo, Go Nagai's classic and, in my opinion, best creation, on DVD?! I had to order it right away. I was a fan of the Shin Getter Robo ova, so I must see the original series.
It's age shows. From the music to the characters. But some things get good with age
The show is about a Dr. Saotome who discovers a new type of energy known as Getter rays. This energy has no pollution or by products. It is perfect. But, looming underneath the ground is the once thought extinct dinosaurs, who know possess intelligent maybe greater then mankind. The Getter rays are harmful to them. SO, on the day Dr. Saotome launches his Getter Robo space exploration robot, they send some robots of there own and destroy it. Enter Ryo, Hayato, and Musashi, three young students, who take out Saotome's other Getter Robo. One made for kicking ass. What follows is 51 episodes of pure mecha vs mecha action.
But that's not all it is. I'm not kidding. A lot of episodes got to me. There were a couple sad ones that made me want to cry. Alot of the episodes packed alot of emotion. This ain't your typical robot of the week show. It seems like in on the outside, but on the inside, it's a whole lot more.
Anyways, on to the DVDs themselves.
5 disc set for 51 episodes. Disc 1 through 4 have 10 each, 5 has 11, finishing off the show. The gatefold is nice, featuring cool artwork that was featured on the Getter Robo mangas.
The menu is set up very simple. You have the play, subs, and chapter select buttons. Nothing really big here. The chapter select is just the episode's number. Pick one and play it.
Each episode has the opening and ending. I should mention each episode, from opening to ending, is one chapter, so you can't skip the opening with the press of a button. The show is divided into opening, the episode, next episode preview, then closing.
There is only one opening and ending for the whole show. That's all the show had. No changing. They didn't really do that in the good old days
No eyecatches either. I'm not sure if they were omitted or the show just didn't ahve any. But you can see the fading in and out where a commercial would be.
I have no clue what there source was for the show. I checked out cdjapan, and they don't ahve any listings of the original Getter Robo on DVD. It's probably an older Laser Disc release they had, or quite possibly VHS, but the video's to good for that. So I'm not sure on the source.
Here's hoping they release Getter Robo G soon! The original ends where G begins!!

I call it official because I've finished the whole show and it's time to pick it apart.
Video: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
The video came out awesome for a show that's almost 30 years old now and is squeezed 10 episodes a disc, except the last which had 11. But like I said, for 10 episodes a disc. Some fuzziness, to say the least. But not much. The video is very good, and nothing in it will detract from it's viewing.
Sound: 5 out of 5 stars.
Awesome job in this department. Sounds great on my TV. Theres no popping sounds when a special move is screamed at the top of the characters lungs, and the music comes through clear. Excellent job here.
Subtitles: 4 out of 5 stars.
Here's where this release doesn't falter. The subs are great on this release!
I'm not going ot lie to you, though. There are some name changes. Only some. Maybe a few characters at the most. But that's it. Everyone else is correct, maybe with some weird spellings, but correct. So not much loss there.
Also, the attacks and moves shouted in English are changed a bit in the subtitles. Eg., the show says "Getter Beam" while the subs will say "Getter Ray." Nothing terrible. Just listen the the screaming English and you will get it.
The grammar is superb. I doubt and fansub scripts exsist of a show that is about 30 years old and more then 51 episodes, so it must have been all on there own. The grammar is perfectly understandable. Sometimes there will be wierd sentences, but I ain't talking Engrish here. Subtitles are very good for this show.
Other comments:
As soon as I saw this on Animeiacs, I nearly wet my pants. Getter Robo, Go Nagai's classic and, in my opinion, best creation, on DVD?! I had to order it right away. I was a fan of the Shin Getter Robo ova, so I must see the original series.
It's age shows. From the music to the characters. But some things get good with age

The show is about a Dr. Saotome who discovers a new type of energy known as Getter rays. This energy has no pollution or by products. It is perfect. But, looming underneath the ground is the once thought extinct dinosaurs, who know possess intelligent maybe greater then mankind. The Getter rays are harmful to them. SO, on the day Dr. Saotome launches his Getter Robo space exploration robot, they send some robots of there own and destroy it. Enter Ryo, Hayato, and Musashi, three young students, who take out Saotome's other Getter Robo. One made for kicking ass. What follows is 51 episodes of pure mecha vs mecha action.
But that's not all it is. I'm not kidding. A lot of episodes got to me. There were a couple sad ones that made me want to cry. Alot of the episodes packed alot of emotion. This ain't your typical robot of the week show. It seems like in on the outside, but on the inside, it's a whole lot more.
Anyways, on to the DVDs themselves.
5 disc set for 51 episodes. Disc 1 through 4 have 10 each, 5 has 11, finishing off the show. The gatefold is nice, featuring cool artwork that was featured on the Getter Robo mangas.
The menu is set up very simple. You have the play, subs, and chapter select buttons. Nothing really big here. The chapter select is just the episode's number. Pick one and play it.
Each episode has the opening and ending. I should mention each episode, from opening to ending, is one chapter, so you can't skip the opening with the press of a button. The show is divided into opening, the episode, next episode preview, then closing.
There is only one opening and ending for the whole show. That's all the show had. No changing. They didn't really do that in the good old days

I have no clue what there source was for the show. I checked out cdjapan, and they don't ahve any listings of the original Getter Robo on DVD. It's probably an older Laser Disc release they had, or quite possibly VHS, but the video's to good for that. So I'm not sure on the source.
Here's hoping they release Getter Robo G soon! The original ends where G begins!!