Ghibli Movies 1-12
Ok, so over at cookie jar anime they're selling 2 versions of the Ghibli set and i was wondering about these two things:

1) From the reviews on this site, it seems that the only difference between the two sets is that the one produced by MAC is 4 discs w/ 3 movies per disc whereas the Manga version is 6 discs w/ 2 movies per discs. Both sets have comparable viewer ratings for video, sound, and subtitles. So, is there anything that would make the Manga version better than the MAC? (something that would make it worth paying $14 for the set?)

2) In all the screen captures in the review for the MAC version there is a logo in the upper left. Does that thing stay there the whole time? All the captures seems to be from Laputa.

Anyway...if anyone has the discs or can offer info on them, it would be appreciated.
I have the MAC set and I posted those pics, the logo disapears after about 10 seconds. I only posted them because I wanted to show that the source of Laputa from Ghibli collection was the same source as the MAC single dvd version of Laputa (see my screenshots of that as well, the AC logo pops up at the exact same time the AS logo pops up in MAC Ghibli collection).

The MAC set is very good, the only problem I had with it that I could see was not in the MI set was that my dvd player had tons of problems playing chapter 4 of Kiki (video skips and breaks up and audio skips or doesnt play at all, I think someone else mentioned they had the same problem with Kiki. Only yesterday also had some problems but not as bad as Kiki. Everything works fine on my dvd-rom when I play it on my computer.

There were some subtitle timing problems with Laputa and Pon Poko but these problems are in both sets.
I think I'd go with the MI set. Does the video mess up with 3 movies on one disc? :?
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I was very happy with the AC/MI set. The picture quality was great and so was the subs...although there were slight timing problems with some of the movies. After watching them, I actually went and got the R3's. They're superb and dont' cost as much as the R2's ($18.00). I wanted perfect copies of some of my favorite Ghibli movies.

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