artboxes why!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was looking online and i can't seem to find a place where you can buy an artbox for a series without the first dvd. This does make sense except i bought L/R used and i didn't get an artbox with it and i got Last Exile and no art box also so i was wondering

does anyone know where i can get a spare artbox for those two

last exile especially

i guess arc the lad and orphen and noir as well
I sometimes (very rare) spot them on ebay. Don't know any other place, sorry.
You may be able to order a collector's case...

It seems that you may be able to get a case for Last Exile. It will probably run you $30-$35US (+shipping). He may not have the Noir case anymore, but ADV puts out sales once in awhile. You might be able to get the Noir artbox cheap even though it comes with the first volume.
Arc the Lad didn't come with an Art Box, it only came in the brick set... and as for Orphen, you can only get an Art Box with the 2nd series, the first one didn't come with an art box either which kinda sucks...

Good luck finding the boxes... I'm looking for Evangelion art box.. the 8 disk older set... you can only buy it with all 8 disks... I'd be happy to buy it with just 1 disk... but that's not happening...
35 dollars thats so crappy

i mean i can buy the limited collectors boxset with the figurine for like 35 or 40

i'll just call it good and not get a box for last exile then.

i guess if anyone has one and wants to trade then id do that but yea not freaking 35 dollars
You either gotta check ebay or just buy a box then resell the first dvd to make some money back. I've done that a couple times.
Hey, just out of curiosity (and figuring it might help), I sent an email to Geneon customer service (actually Rightstuf), asking about the availability of stand-alone art boxes. I got a reply saying they had none available. Dismal. I figured Geneon put out Last Exile, so ... that's why I tried them.

Oh well. Figured I'd mention it ...
well thats just it i wouldn't mind paying 5 for a art box or maybe 10 but when im gonna have to pay more then that its just not worth it.

i was hoping someone would trade me theirs or let me buy theirs but i guess not
I have a similar problem

I bought Excel Saga way before the box set was offered.

They sold the box alone for a very short time, and charged like 15 for it before shipping

Now its no where to be found.

So lame
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
Did you ever consider making your own boxes? I've done it with some good quality "heavy" cardstock and my trusty inkjet printer and a homemade laminating device-they turned out very nearly as good as retail ones. A little bit of skill in required though.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?

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