Perfect Blue Question
Hey guys,
I was wondering if the sound on the MAC version of Perfect blue is as bad as the review says it is. Do any of you own the MAC version and if so should i pick it up or wait till they remaster it?

Thanks a bunch!!! Big Grin
lambrt429 Wrote:Hey guys,
I was wondering if the sound on the MAC version of Perfect blue is as bad as the review says it is. Do any of you own the MAC version and if so should i pick it up or wait till they remaster it?

Thanks a bunch!!! Big Grin

I got the Dubbed MI Perfect Blue a few months ago and it has the audio delay...Sad
are those some special versions of Perfect Blue you are talking about? (in anamorphic widescreen?) :confused:
I mean, the original R1 DVD doesn't cost more than $10...
yeah i agree with idol just be checking rightstuf for deals and such they have it on sell sometimes
Or buy it anytime for $9.97 including free shipping at deepdiscountdvd.
Idol Wrote:Or buy it anytime for $9.97 including free shipping at deepdiscountdvd.

Yeah, I should have bought the R1 to begin with. Lessen learned.:o
To be honest, I rented it out from the video store a long time ago. I didn't feel right. From memory, it was disturbing.
[Image: mypic3.gif]
<death ain't so scary>
well its supposed to be disturbing

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