Hey! I am back and ready to trade again
!!!!! All my sets are complete unless noted
-Soul Hunter (aka Senkaiden Houshin Engi)- MI (sub)
-Inuyasha Part 1- MI (sub)
-Saber Marionette J/Again- FX (dubbed/Subbed)
-His and Hers Circumstances- FX (Dubbed/Subbed)
-Gravitation- MI (subbed)
-Love Hina Final Selection- MI (subbed)
-Angel Tales- Anime Studio- Subbed
-Card captors movie 2- MI subbed
-Melody of Oblivion vol.1- AC-Mac- subbed
-Final Fantasy X-2- MI- Subbed
-Inuyasha 1st movie- FX subbed
-Kanon vol.1- MI-subbed
-DC vol.1- MI- subbed
-Earthian Angelic Collection- MAC Dubbed
-weiss kreuz gluhen vol.1- AV- subbed *can include a fansub dvd containing remaining episodes*
-ex-driver the movie- MI- subbed
-Rurouni KEnshin trust/betrayal- Anime Studio- subbed *r1 subtitle rip*
-TEnchi MOvie Collection- FX dubbed/subbed
-Rurouni KEnshin Reflection- MI- SUbbed
-Escaflowne The MOvie- MI- *NO SUBTITLES*
-X Dark Omens episode o- MI- subbed
-FInal Fantasy X- Anime Studio- Subbed
-My Sassy Girl-Subbed
-Final Fantasy X- VIDEO GAME- Ps2 (non greatest hit)
-Final Fantasy X-2- VIDEO GAME- Ps2 (non greATEST hit)
-.hack//infection- ps2
-the bouncer-ps2
-yu-gi-oh duelists of rose-ps2
-yu-gi-oh forbidden memories-ps1
-Marmalade Boy Vol.1- Tokyopop- R1- 3 dvds
-*Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME AND MAX 2/W 2 dance pads!!!*

-Soul Hunter (aka Senkaiden Houshin Engi)- MI (sub)
-Inuyasha Part 1- MI (sub)
-Saber Marionette J/Again- FX (dubbed/Subbed)
-His and Hers Circumstances- FX (Dubbed/Subbed)
-Gravitation- MI (subbed)
-Love Hina Final Selection- MI (subbed)
-Angel Tales- Anime Studio- Subbed
-Card captors movie 2- MI subbed
-Melody of Oblivion vol.1- AC-Mac- subbed
-Final Fantasy X-2- MI- Subbed
-Inuyasha 1st movie- FX subbed
-Kanon vol.1- MI-subbed
-DC vol.1- MI- subbed
-Earthian Angelic Collection- MAC Dubbed
-weiss kreuz gluhen vol.1- AV- subbed *can include a fansub dvd containing remaining episodes*
-ex-driver the movie- MI- subbed
-Rurouni KEnshin trust/betrayal- Anime Studio- subbed *r1 subtitle rip*
-TEnchi MOvie Collection- FX dubbed/subbed
-Rurouni KEnshin Reflection- MI- SUbbed
-Escaflowne The MOvie- MI- *NO SUBTITLES*
-X Dark Omens episode o- MI- subbed
-FInal Fantasy X- Anime Studio- Subbed
-My Sassy Girl-Subbed
-Final Fantasy X- VIDEO GAME- Ps2 (non greatest hit)
-Final Fantasy X-2- VIDEO GAME- Ps2 (non greATEST hit)
-.hack//infection- ps2
-the bouncer-ps2
-yu-gi-oh duelists of rose-ps2
-yu-gi-oh forbidden memories-ps1
-Marmalade Boy Vol.1- Tokyopop- R1- 3 dvds
-*Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME AND MAX 2/W 2 dance pads!!!*
![[Image: top_1.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b255/Ryuzeki/top_1.jpg)
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~