Kiruyuki [Current Trade List]
Hey! I am back and ready to trade again Big Grin !!!!! All my sets are complete unless noted Smile

-Soul Hunter (aka Senkaiden Houshin Engi)- MI (sub)
-Inuyasha Part 1- MI (sub)
-Saber Marionette J/Again- FX (dubbed/Subbed)
-His and Hers Circumstances- FX (Dubbed/Subbed)
-Gravitation- MI (subbed)
-Love Hina Final Selection- MI (subbed)
-Angel Tales- Anime Studio- Subbed
-Card captors movie 2- MI subbed
-Melody of Oblivion vol.1- AC-Mac- subbed
-Final Fantasy X-2- MI- Subbed
-Inuyasha 1st movie- FX subbed
-Kanon vol.1- MI-subbed
-DC vol.1- MI- subbed
-Earthian Angelic Collection- MAC Dubbed
-weiss kreuz gluhen vol.1- AV- subbed *can include a fansub dvd containing remaining episodes*
-ex-driver the movie- MI- subbed
-Rurouni KEnshin trust/betrayal- Anime Studio- subbed *r1 subtitle rip*
-TEnchi MOvie Collection- FX dubbed/subbed
-Rurouni KEnshin Reflection- MI- SUbbed
-Escaflowne The MOvie- MI- *NO SUBTITLES*
-X Dark Omens episode o- MI- subbed
-FInal Fantasy X- Anime Studio- Subbed
-My Sassy Girl-Subbed
-Final Fantasy X- VIDEO GAME- Ps2 (non greatest hit)
-Final Fantasy X-2- VIDEO GAME- Ps2 (non greATEST hit)
-.hack//infection- ps2
-the bouncer-ps2
-yu-gi-oh duelists of rose-ps2
-yu-gi-oh forbidden memories-ps1
-Marmalade Boy Vol.1- Tokyopop- R1- 3 dvds

-*Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME AND MAX 2/W 2 dance pads!!!*
[Image: top_1.jpg]
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
Hi. I'm interested in your:

To Heart ~Remember my Memories- MI (sub)
HIs and Hers Circumstances Complete Collection R1- Right Stuf
Angelic Layer artbox- ADV (Just need the box Smile)

Please check my list to see if you like anything. If not, would you be willing to sell them? Please PM me the prices for each one shipped to zipcode 90004 if you can. Thanks.
updated list
[Image: top_1.jpg]
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
updated.....added DDR!
[Image: top_1.jpg]
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~

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