More EZDVD arrivals!
Received more EZDVD arrivals this morning, along which I got few badass live action flicks.

Shaolin Soccer!
Battlefield Baseball
Volcano High
Battle Royale
Battle Royale II
Ong-BaK (saw it in theatre, one of the best fighting I've seen yet)
Initial D Complete Box Set (first second third and extra stages in 1 box set!)
I'm mega curious about the initial d complete box set. is it possible to post some pics? a 6 dvd case like trigun is hard to imagine.....
great ! , thanks JJ ! i'm looking forward for my next order : )

bumperboy Wrote:I'm mega curious about the initial d complete box set. is it possible to post some pics? a 6 dvd case like trigun is hard to imagine.....

i'm guessing it might look like these

[Image: eb_1_b.jpg]

[Image: 56_1_b.jpg]

if its like that , then it's kinda cool , but you can't beat the FX's getfold with hi-quality cover prints
Anyone know if there going to be rereleasing Berserk?
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
the 6 DVD box is is a gatefold box, much like bigger FX sets.
oh it must be a FX set re-released. I don't like those 6 dvds brick boxes
Is the EZDVD an FX rip of Initial D? Who did FX rip for their set? Subs good?
FX ripped MI for that set. all they did was compress a bit more the series. the video quality is 95% of the MI set but the subs are the same. understandable, no name changes but no fansubs
The FX set has everything but the crappily subbed incredibly pointless battle stage. It's a great set and way cheaper than buying the MI discs. Awesome subs. Great grammer if you don't mind some idiot that doesn't understand punctuation whatsoever subbing your anime. =P It's actually pretty funny sometimes that the subber rarely makes any grammer mistakes other than punctuation.

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