What anime would you like to see a sequel OR prequel too?
Well, the title says it all.

Is there any speicific series that you would want to see a prequel or a sequel too? Anime or Manga. ^^

Another question, is there a manga you would like to see as an anime?

I for one, would like to see one for Cowboy Bebop perhaps.
Or a continuation of the Berserk Anime. The manga is great, but I'd still want to see it as an animation. It would proove to be interesting.
Another one I can think of is, Revolutionary Girl Utena/Shoujo Kakumei Utena. NOT the movie, the series. The ending was amazing, but it was something they really could build upon.

Berserk definitely needs a sequel. The anime is so good it should continue. I'd also like to watch more episodes of GTO. So far I've read 17 volumes of the manga and the story just keeps getting better and better.

I'd really like to see Blade of the Immortal turned into an anime and another manga that I think would make a terrific anime series is Shin Angyo Onshi. It's one of the best manga I ever read!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
I love blade of the immortal - but somehow I can't quite see it turning into an anime. Either they wouldn't be able to do it justice, or it would be a bit too grotesque/weird? if you know what I mean.

I would love to see video girl ai - the manga, to have a sequel. The way it ended was nice but also a little sad, I would love to see a little more of the happy couple.


I want to see maybe one book with Takashi and Moemi together and they have a double date with Ai and Youta or something.
Well I'd for a sequel I'd like to see a continuation of Bastard!. For manga I'd like to see

Sohryu, aka Legend of the Dragon Kings. I also think Magic Knights Rayearth an

Yoroiden Samurai Troopera, aka Ronin Warriors would make a good manga. That is if

none of these are manga already.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Thanks for everyones replies so far ;P

To Andromeda-
GTO sounds awesome. Though, since I have only watched the first...10 episodes I think, Im not sure how the series ends. So far I love it =D

I never watched Blade of the Immortal, though, I am wanting too =(

Besides Berserk, I'd really like to see more of Fruits Basket.
His and Her circumstances. It never had an ending. I want to see the proper ending.
Hm...First off a Street Fighter Movie where Akuma actually does something so a sequel to Alpha would be nice with Akuma as the villian...

Other than that an end to any open ended series where the endings completely confusing. An explanation of Big O would be nice like a prequel so the series makes SENSE!
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

Trade List
R1 Collection
HK Collection
More Berserk. Maybe a prequel to Bebop, see Spike and Vicious in their syndicate days. Anything Blade of the Immortal might be nice, but would be hard to make it look half as good as the manga. I haven't seen/read all of GTO yet, but what I would like more than a sequel, is for the manga series that came before it to be animated, or at least translated. I forget the titles but I there should be two of them, one of Onizuka in college and one when he was a biker punk in Shonan. AnimEigo subbed one volume of a HS/biker anime years ago that I really like. It seems I was the only one though, because they never did a second volume. GTO is the only thing that has come close to filling the void.
One prequel I'd like to see... but I know would never likely happen would be Haibane Renmei. I would -love- to see the whole story with Reki before Rakka shows up... get the full insight into her character and her past from when she first awoke from her cocoon. Reki was easily the most interesting character from the show.. and one of the better pieces of character work I've seen in any show.

A sequel I -hope- to see, would be s-CRY-ed. The end to that show just cries out for another season or two... it's just simply the best action anime since Cowboy Bebop in my opinion.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
Cowboy Bebop (Spike & Vicious in the Syndicate days, and Jet in his Police days)
Street Fighter Alpha
Trigun (To see what happens after he finishes off Knives)
Hellsing (The ending left me wanting more...)
"We know who we are, but not what we may be" - William Shakespeare

HK List:

Vampire Hunter D... I'd take anything.. wish they'd translate the manga into English soon.
RG Veda same thing
Pet Shop Of Horrors
Sorcerer On the Rocks... would love more of this..
Basara at least the manga is ongoing
Spiral.. at least some explanation of the mystery of the Blade Children!!

I'm sure I could think of more... just not at the moment... laugh..
Bastard and Beserk!!!
I do wish there was more to Hellsing.
I would like to see a prequel to Witch Hunter Robin.
A good prequel, I would have to say, GTO maybe, from when he was a biker. (as was previously mentioned)

As for sequel, I didnt mention this in my last post, but Vampire Hunter D would be an excellant candiate.
I'd love to see the continuation of Berserk.
I'm not so sure I need more Cowboy Bebop... if it was crafted as well as the existing episodes I might go for it.
How about a one shot prequel to Initial D where you get to see Bunta's racing days and what happened to his wife. Seems to be good material for a story there.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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