rav96 Wrote:i'd like to see some you poeps face to face
So would I but with us living here in Europe that's not an easy thing to do. We have more chances of meeting each other first even though we live in different countries.
OK... I'm back from Montreal (actually I was back last night but was very tired.... Montreal is another story or three... to sum it up I had a great time... sorry I didn't get to meet any of the Montreal IA members though).
Getting to meet Nina and Robojack in person was pretty cool. I regret that it had to be such a short meeting. There is so much more to see than just the one really cool mall (it was so funny when Katina jumped out and scared a grown man half to death).
For anyone coming to Toronto for drinking and strip clubs, you're better off stopping in St. Catharines which is an hour closer to the border, cheaper, and has better strippers (or so I'm told...). Toronto has so many more riches to offer than just drinking and strippers. If that's all you're looking for, save yourself some driving time and some money. If you pick a time when I'll be available, I'd be happy to join you guys either in St. Catharines or Toronto whichever you choose.
I've gotta go cook dinner now... I've attached a few pics from Nina's visit last week... I'll let you guess who the people are... I probably should have gotten a group shot but I was preoccupied with spending time with people rather than taking pics of them.
Hahaha - I have a dazed look on my face. I was watching the guy make noodles. It was pretty cool, like watching someone flip pizza for the first time. Zagatto's daughter is so adorable Turns out my company wants to send me to Canada again.. something about building co-worker trust with the people in Markham, Canada. It will only be for a day so I can't even go sightseeing
rav96 Wrote:yeah cool! dont see myself in Portugal in the near future but if you ever come to the UK definately drop me a line
i can show you and the bf around if im not busy
I didn't think you wanted to come to Portugal anytime soon although we do get a lot of English turists every year (they like our sunny beaches). I have been thinking of going to England though. Maybe next year. It would be nice to meet you in person.
Zagatto Wrote:I've gotta go cook dinner now... I've attached a few pics from Nina's visit last week... I'll let you guess who the people are... I probably should have gotten a group shot but I was preoccupied with spending time with people rather than taking pics of them.
On the first pic we've got Nina, I'm guessing the little girl on the second one is your daughter but I have no idea who the person on the 3rd pic is. I know it's not you Zagatto, since I've seen pictures of you before so could that be Robojack?
I bet it would be nice meeting people in person from IA. Im sure it was fun for all 3 of you. Well, if anyone is dropping by Calgary, Alberta for some reason, send me a PM and I'll gladly show you around.
Robojack Wrote:LOL you've got to be kidding me. Of course I don't look like Kenshin, though it wouldn't hurt to look like him.
Of course I was kidding! But hey, you don't need to look like Kenshin. You look good the way you are and you definitely don't need two huge scares on your face.
and Andromeda18 yeah feel frr to come to The UK.. though its sucks here stooopid weather.. when im gonna go to a beach its gonna be Santa Cruz (nothig like the woman of you dreams as an incentive, I Miss her allready )
just PM me or email/MSN me if you ever do decide to come to the UK its bains96@hotmail.com (was rav96 but i lost the password like 2 years ago so use this instead - D'oh)