[Current Trade List] - moonlyte22

Here is my trade/sale list. Please PM me or reply if interested. I'm mostly looking for cash but am open to trades as well. All of these sets are in perfect condition.


Cardcaptor Sakura Movies 1 & 2 (FX) - 1 disc Eng Dub

Inuyasha Movies Collection 1 & 2 (FX) - 1 disc Sub

Kimagure Orange Road TV + 1st 2 OVA's (MI) - 6 disc Sub

Serial Experiments Lain (FX) - 2 disc Eng Dub


Cash (Money Order or PayPal)

.hack Sign Perfect (FX)

Revolutionary Girl Utena Perfect (FX)

Other FX stuff

Successful Trades/Transactions with:

Ryoku Slayer(1)
Updated 10/8

Removed HK:

Ceres: Celestial Legend/Ayashi no Ceres (MAC) - 3 disc Eng Dub *Sold*
Updated 10/27

Added HK:

Cardcaptor Sakura Movies 1 & 2 (FX) - 1 disc Eng Dub

Added Successful Transaction:

vooboo123 (1)
Interested in Saber Marionette J if it is in good condition, give me a price for it, if it is reasonable I'll buy it.
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
PM sent to Ryoku Slayer regarding the Saber Marionette J & Again (FX) set. Sorry for the late reply.
Ryoku Slayer Wrote:Interested in Saber Marionette J if it is in good condition, give me a price for it, if it is reasonable I'll buy it.

PM sent. Sorry for the late reply.
Updated 11/15/04

Removed HK:

Chobits (FX) - 3 disc Eng Dub *Sold*
Updated 11/16/04

Added HK:

Kimagure Orange Road TV + 1st 2 OVA's (MI) - 6 Disc Sub
Updated 11/19/04

Removed HK:

Saber Marionette J and Again (FX) - 4 disc Eng Dub *Sold*
Just wonderin, how much for Kimagure orange road?
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
Ryoku Slayer Wrote:Just wonderin, how much for Kimagure orange road?

$26 with Priority Mail shipping. I'll consider any reasonable offers for it, though, so if that is too much, feel free to PM me with your offer.
Updated 11/26/04

Added HK:

Serial Experiments Lain (FX) - 2 disc Eng Dub
Updated 11/29/04

Added HK:

Inuyasha Movies Collection 1 & 2 (FX) - 1 disc Sub
*bump* If anyone is interested in any of this stuff, let me know.

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  [Current Trade List] - moonlyte22 moonlyte22 0 1,110 01-31-2005, 01:48 PM
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