I got some gmail invites if any one wants them, first people to send me a pm with their email will get one Cool

For those that don't know about gmail it's google's free 1 GIGABYTE email service :eek: it's only available through invites. When you set up your acount you get some invites too
[Image: buddychrist.jpg]
Don't forget the ability to search through all your messages. I got some spare invites also if anyone is interested.
yeah and it keeps your replies more organized by making them into one convesation Big Grin

I don't know too much about it (yet) since I got it myself just a few days ago myself :p
[Image: buddychrist.jpg]
I love how it says "Hooray, no spam here!" when you don't have any. Big Grin
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin
just to let everyone know I'm all put of invites now, sorry.Sad

if I get more I'll post here again Big Grin
[Image: buddychrist.jpg]
meant to post earlier but got distracted Wink

I got 12 more invites if anyone wants one
[Image: buddychrist.jpg]

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