Computer Buy Help!!!
Okay I plan to buy a computer soon sometime this month. I've been looking online and I found this.

Click on the word "more" to see the specifications on the computer.

Is it a good buy? Any strengths or weaknesses that the computer has?

If anyone has a good place for me to look at computer prices than please post a link. Or tell me a place to buy a computer. Is Comp USA a good place for a variety on computers that I may like.

Your help will be appriciated.

Oh and I only have a 480 dollar spending limit. I'm looking for a computer between 2.5-2.7 Ghz.
what do you plan on doing on this computer?
Internet usage, Downloads and burning stuff. Since it doesn't come with a DVD burner I have to buy that seperate. I don't plan to play PC games so the 3D card or whatever doesn't matter to me. The monitor or the speakers doens't come with it again I don't care about that.
i don't care much for celerons but if all your going to do is download and burn things. make sure you have high speed internet, a large hard drive and a quality burner. there not much you can buy for under 500.
the computer to me seems to be a good buy, but i prefer to build my own though.
It's a 120 GB so it's pretty good size right?:confused:
yup, you could hold a nice amount of music on your computer or anything for that matter.
The cheapest price on that site for that computer is "Refurbrished" which I guess somebody owned it before? Would it be cool if I bought it? Or are their any risk?
Sicne you aren't planning on doing anything hardware intensive, you could stand to go with a slower but higher quality processor to save money. Such as the P4 2-2.4 Ghz or an AthlonXP 2000-2400.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
Sicne you aren't planning on doing anything hardware intensive, you could stand to go with a slower but higher quality processor to save money. Such as the P4 2-2.4 Ghz or an AthlonXP 2000-2400.

Just wondering what's wrong with the Celeron chip?
nope piece of crap !
Compaq makes shitty computers they break and have so many problems. our school bought like 50 and they all broke after a year and the processor that is in that system sucks my grandma has it and its so so so so bad so slow. pentium 3 would be better than that.

id say look around i have found dell has great prices and systems and also gateway. or
(those are there sale sites so you can see what deals are going on)

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Celerons are neutered Pentiums. That's what it basically boils down to.

how do you feel about building one yourself ?
its educational.Wink
I have built 2 myself now. It gets pricey that way. You do get a better machine that way but if you are on a budget go with the preasembled type of machine
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
pricewatch would be much better if a majority of the stores there weren't so shady. Just stick with newegg or any store that scores reasonably high at
I love building one myself gives you that sence of accomplishment when you turn it on the first time and it really turns on. Unfortunately for me with a tuition, rent, car insurance ect it is not in my budget to these days
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga

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