Happy Canada Day!
Well, to all the Canucks out there, Happy Canada Day, this is when we celebrate our tyrannical rule under the Liberal (proper pronunciation Fiberal) government. We also celebrate today the fact that we are the only G8 nation without a deficit this year, by being the highest taxed nation on Earth!

So all you fellow Canadians please bend down today and receive your Liberal prize!
I'm not going to ask what your political leanings are. I'd probably be a Liberal if they actually acted based on their party line.

I will ask if you actually got out to vote on Monday or not.
I'm of the firm belief that you have no right to bitch if you didn't vote.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Do you still ship on Canada day...or can you not? I just tried to buy beer and it was closed...silly me, I should have bought it yesterday. Anyways...another question. I ordered 4 titles. If one is out of stock, do you wait for it to come in before you ship the other 3? (FLCL, Onegai Teacher, Hack Sign, Haibane Renmae are the titles)
I got a question for you Canadians. How much do you guys pay for gas over there? We were having a conversation at work and they were trying to tell me that you guys pay alot more for gas than we do.
Right now, about 83.5 cents a litre. Which is about 65-70 cents USD litre..you do the math Smile
Canada Post is closed today so orders will not be shipped today.

and the gas prices are per litre, in USA they are sold per gallon? thats like 3 litres?
How much do you pay per liter? Right now, we're paying around $2 per gallon. But last summer, it was like $1.50 per gallon. My car takes premium only, so I pay about $2.20 per gallon. It cost me $38 to fill up last time.
I get away with 87 octane gas and when I filled up with gas in the US at $2.14/gal it cost me US$22 to fill up. Here in Canada at $0.80/litre it cost me Can$38 to fill my tank. US$22= about Can$28 right now. You guess where I'd rather fill my tank.

We still have it pretty cheap compared to Europe where gas can cost as much as US$5/litre.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
In England it's around £4.50 a gallon which is about $7.65 (USD). :mad:
Yeah it costs me like £30 to fill up my tiny Vauxhall Corsa... Sad
Wow... I suddenly feel way better about the cost of filling up my car here in Canada. Thanks guys. Wink
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection
....................Happy Canada Day..............
If all flower's were roses, they wouldn't be as sweet.
Quote:Originally posted by Katana
In England it's around £4.50 a gallon which is about $7.65 (USD). :mad:

Wow, serious?
In the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium we pay about 2,50 Euros a litre.
Luxemburg was about 1,60 Euro I think.
Even I am feeling better now to be able to tank in my part of Europe. Tongue
Oh, Canada

Welcome to Canada, it's the Maple Leaf State.
Canada, oh Canada it's great!
The people are nice and they speak French too.
If you don't like it, man, you sniff glue.
The Great White North, their kilts are plaid,
Hosers take off, it's not half bad.
I want to be where yaks can run free,
Where Royal Mounties can arrest me.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.
They've got trees, and mooses, and sled dogs,
Lots of lumber, and lumberjacks, and logs!
We all think it's kind of a drag,
That you have to go there to get milk in a bag.
They say "eh?" instead of "what?" or "duh?"
That's the mighty power of Canada.
I want to be where lemmings run into the sea,
Where the marmosets can attack me.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.
Please, please, explain to me,
How this all has come to be,
We forgot to mention something here.
Did we say that William Shatner is a native citizen?
And Slurpees made from venison,
That's deer.
Let's go to Canada, let's leave today,
Canada, oh, Canada, I Sil Vous Plait.
Gas here in ohio in some parts has settled back to a $1.53 per gal for 87 octane gas. i miss the days of 95 cents per gallon

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