fmp question
Does anyone know how the quality of the english fx fmp box set 1-26 is there no reviews for it and i wanted to order it when it comes back in stock
its in the mail !
ill let you know when i get it ! it will be some time next week monday or tuesday!

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Anything yet? I'm waiting to see what people thought of the FX version, particularly if there's macro-blocking during fast-motion scenes. I'm currently deciding whether to wait for the MAC version (possibly better quality and less macroblocking) or get the FX version (possible disc problems & macroblocking).
I do like my MI version.
Alright, I see one review posted for Full Metal Panic (FX). Does anyone else have anything to say about it, particularly towards the video quality?
the FMP fx set has spanish substitles like the mac set?
Most probably not. Only MAC seems to put spanish subs on some of their titles.
I always thought FX would be the advantage over MAC titles since they usually rip straight R1's... But it seems a lot of times I hear people saying they want to wait for MAC sets instead of FX.

Why is this? Is MAC better in your opinions?
MAC sets sometimes seem to have less macro-blocking during fast-action scenes, which FMP happens to have. MAC's versions of Excel Saga and Vandread are both excellent examples of releases that have little to no pixelation.
Do you believe MAC's Excel Saga is better than FX's Excel Saga Perfect Collection?
I do, at least in video quality. Owning the FX version of Excel Saga, I found it to be pixelated at times. Having read the reviews for the MAC version, there seems to be fewer complaints (if any), even though it's missing the extra subtitle tracks.

I really don't see what people see in FX, as their releases often have inferior video quality compared to the MAC Perfect Collection equivalent. I could care less about the case design or art. A case is just a case to me, but video quality and sub quality is everything. FX's subs aren't necessarily better than MAC's Perfect Collection subs, as they're both R1 ripped. Their video quality doesn't differ much either, when we're talking about Perfect Collections. FX on their own (without R1 subtitle scripts) is no better than MAC or AC. If you look at the reviews for any FX released product that didn't have R1-ripped subs, you'll see what I mean.

In this case, could someone please provide me with another opinon as to the video quality of FX's version of Full Metal Panic, and quit asking me why? I'm doing the asking here :o
The cultural notes in FX Excel Saga far outweigh any minor pixelization in my opinion, which I didn't really see anyway.
Yea I own the Excel Saga FX set and I hate the anime, but the set seems pretty damn good. I am only on the 6th episode since I don't really like it.
I own the Excel R1 set and have viewed many of my friends fx set's episodes.
I didnt notice any real pixelation problems. The transfer seemed bang up to me.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
people tend to forget pixellation problems also depends on the DVD set up

ie the player the cables used and the TV!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!


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