Gundam Wing DVD
I have read reviews on Gundam Wing DVD sets on this site for the Perfect Collection sets from FX and MAC. From what I have gathered, both sets have some minor pixelation problems.

If anybody owns either version, tell me if you would recommend it.
I'm not sure which (if any) version I have, but you should expect some pixelation with stuff that old. If I had to guess I'd say I have the MAC version and whatever it is that I have looks fine for the age of the series.
I put the bad in omen
Id go FX
I have the MAC version, and would much rather have the Fx version if i could.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
I have the MAC version and there is some pixelation and artifacts. Also have a strange episode distribution 10 episodes for the first 4 DVD, 5 and 4 on the last two. The video problems are pretty minor and there are alot worse out there.

I'll go post some screenshots of it now.

It came in two seperate 3 DVD gatefolds.

Heh, it would be hard for someone to say which set is better unless they both own both sets Wink
Well judging from the last post I don't have the MAC version then. I thought it was Fx originally but I can't find the logo on the cover art (that's why I thought I had the MAC one). Is there an MI version of it? If not then I guess I have the FX one (doesn't have the movie/OAVs though since I got it around 10 months ago). I would recommend getting the FX one on this site since it has the movie/OAVs as well (if you're going to get it, might as well shell out the extra 7 bucks and get everything)

More info: The ones I own have the 5 gundam pilots and zechs on each dvd, it folds out with 6 dvds. They have the normal 8-9 episodes per disc.
I put the bad in omen
I have the MI version [which came out first] and am very happy with it. There's a little bit of macroblocking when a TON of stuff is happening on the screen, and I think I remember the audio skipping once [in the middle of a sentence, early in the series, no big deal] but outside of that I'm highly pleased.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Hey there,

Here's my 2 cents

I bought the FX Gundam Wing 7 Disc Set off here bout 2 weeks ago and all I can say it that its awsome, the box set is amazing and the disc's are amazing quality, theres minor pixilation on heavy fight scenes (and thats on my 32' Widescreen) and the 7th disc is the Film/OAV's which is a direct rip of the Region 1, for $49 it's amazing value

Go for it, you'll be pleased Smile

- Guts45

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