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Want to strike a nerve? Say that what we did in Iraq is wrong.
I've read the reports and seen the pictures and videos of Saddam's victims. From the smallest baby, to the oldest man, he didn't care, he killed them all. But could that coward use his own hands, no, he used Nerve agents, and blister agents and blood agents. He killed the most horrible way possible, from the inside out.
Does he deserve to live? No, but how should a man like this die?
Stab him, shoot him, burn him...not enough to kill and then unleash Blister, nerve and right after the other. This man deserves no less, perhaps more.
I lean neither towards, nor away from Bush, but the decision to get ride of that regime was long over due!
Don't tell me that our guys are dying for nothing, they would be insulted and disgusted. My husband was over there, and was I upset at Bush, no.
We are trying to make life better. Yes, things get worse before they get better, but it will get better.
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Calm Before The Storm.
I have a VERY liberal friend, and he is totally against what we are doing/have done in Iraq. I have seen videos of people over there who have had such severe damage from these agents you speak of that this one person had a Tumor looking thing sticking out of there mouth that looked like it was about 2feet long and 7-8 inches thick. It looked like the tequila creature from Polterguist. That one person alone is worth torturing Saddam for all eternity. I wonder if my stupid friend would think what we're doing is wrong after seeing that person. I almost cried when I saw that person. I say person because I don't know what gender they were. So to anyone against the war I say if you were living in a virtual Hell on Earth like they do over there, wouldn't you want someone to lower the flames like we're doing? I hate liberals. Whiney little FUCKS. My buddy is a hardcore Green Party. I don't know much about them but everything he does is completely stupid. I know of tons of stuff he supports and does and they are all WORTHLESS causes. My biggest issue with him is abortion. He's up for it and Thinks it is a "Womans Right". But I asked him this. If it's a baby 5minutes after it's born, and it's a baby 5minutes before it's born, and it's a baby 5 months before it's born, what is it when the sperm and egg touch? Isn't that how people are made? Sperm and Egg make a person? So what right does the baby have? just because it can't speak doesn't mean it has no right? 30 year old MUTE people have rights and THEY Can't talk. Well I don't give a shit if anyone thinks I'm stupid. I have an IQ over 140 so if anyone wants to call me an idiot because I formed an opinion for one, of my own, and two different from theirs, all I can say is the world is full of others like me, and difference is what makes the world go round. Sorry for changing the subject and rambling on. Just thought I'd rant.
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Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Want to strike a nerve? Say that what we did in Iraq is wrong.
I agree with you I think what we did there was the right thing to do. However I think the people don't want us there any more and we have over stayed our welcome and need to give them there country back. No more of our solders should have to die there. Any one else feel the same way I do...
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The discussion is not about if Saddam was a bad guy, everyone agrees with that. The question is wether a president can decide to attack another country without provocation. Saddam is a bad man as are all other dictators arround the world (you know who), why not go free them to? There are many countries with even lower life standards who could use, and want, your help much more than the Iraqi's did. The vast majority of Iraqi's now believe that there lives where better with Saddam than with the US. Sure its a transitional period but they don't care about that, they see it as bad planning.
Conclusion, I believe what the US and its soldiers did was a good thing, but for the wrong reasons. YOU CAN NOT ATTACK A COUNTRY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD WITHOUT PROVOCATION, unless you're on a cruisade to rid the earth of dictatorship in which case I would fully support the cause, and this should be the cause but its not Bush's cause. If he can invade Iraq the way he did(without the support of the UN), he can invade any country at will and that's what I'm afraid of. The western countries need to work together and listen to each other, Bush is driving us appart.
Ka-Talliya, I have a lot of respect for you and your fellow soldiers and what you did over there, just not for your president but you seem to feel attacked when we say bad things about Bush. Why is that?
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My discussion is not about the president!! I could give two shits about about him and the politics that drive this stuff.
What I don't like is being told that what I do means nothing!! That I'm a bad person for being in the military and that my husband is evil because he was over there, being shoot at! I read that people don't want us over there, that it's wrong. If people truly believe that, then help us end it. Don't critize and do nothing. Do I support war? No, but I am in the Profession of Arms and that is what we do, keep the peace thru arms. Do you want us to just pull out and let Iraq fall to pieces? We can not leave this country until we have made life better.
My job is to save lives!! I am here so that people can have the Ability To Survive and Operate (ATSO) in any condition.
And another thing...WMD once exsisted in Iraq. That stuff you can't just bury and be ride of. I should know, that shit is my job.
PS. I saved the world today. Don't ask how, just breath easy knowing that you are in good hands!
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Hmm, well Ok, you responded pretty fierce in that other thread and that was about Bush. My problem IS with Bush and his reasons to start this war (especialy the fact that HE started it). I've explained my motives on him enough. The fact is that you are there now and you will NEVER hear me say that you shouldn't finish what you started. That would be the worst thing to do, Withdraw now and you will create a country of criminals and Muslim fundemantalists while the normal population would suffer more than under Saddam. And I'm definetly not questioning if the US army who are on the ground in Iraq are doing a good job, I know they are doing the best they can. I don't know if they get the support and funds needed from your goverment. So do I want you to pull out now?, no but you should have never gone there in the first place and now your stuck there in a situation that might be the most difficult one to solve in modern human history.
Maybe my problem with your comments are that you don't give a shit about the reason. I would love to hear what you think about it. I would be pissed if I found out that my president send me to war on false grounds.
Ps. I just told my friends I know someone who saved the earth and they told me to thank you
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All I can say is that any human who wants to control the world needs a boot in the ass. So thanx Ka-Talliya nd Schultz for helping stop retards who want to control the planet. Especially with stuff like that.
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Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
What I don't like is being told that what I do means nothing!! That I'm a bad person for being in the military and that my husband is evil because he was over there, being shoot at!
You'll never hear me say that. I'm like Elcoholic, where I have a problem with the political side of it. Nothing to do with you guys or anything you have control over. It's very admirable what you guys do.
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I just feel like everytime somebody make bad remarks about the president, that it's also directed at the military, because we are directly involved. Maybe I'm just a bit too touch about it because I'm exhausted and not thinking straight!
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Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
I just feel like everytime somebody make bad remarks about the president, that it's also directed at the military, because we are directly involved. Maybe I'm just a bit too touch about it because I'm exhausted and not thinking straight!
This is the way I look at it. And don't take it the wrong way. You guys are like pawns. You're doing your duty. It's not your fault how the king/president uses you guys.
You're only directly involved in that you do what you're told to do. You have no control over the reasons for your actions. The president is the one that decides the reasons, not you. So you really should stop connecting the 2 together.
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Plus You yourself are not out here with a gun and intent to use it. You're out there to stop a nasty plague, virus, or some other bioweapon from going off right? And another thing, it's not like the infantry is out there randomly shooting people. I think all these political activists against war for the most part don't know what war is really like or about. It's not an easy decision to send peoples children to a frontline but sometimes it happens. So with that said I will always support our troops but sometimes not the government for doing it. However I do support WHY our troops are over there this time. Saddam for what he has done in the past needed to be taken out of office and Osama for being a retard. I think we shoulda sent in some navy seal/green beret rambo snipers in to get Saddam rather than fight a bunch of cowards dressed in civilian clothes, but too late now. Or maybe some rent-a-ninjas.
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Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I will always support our troops but sometimes not the government for doing it.
Dark Osamu hit it right on the head. We solute all troops for doing their duty and doing it well.
Where the problem lies is the political manuevers by leaders. As I mentioned before, Sadam was originally put in power by US who believed he would be easy to control and remain in US influence. However, this turned out to be a miscalculation as Sadam shortly turned against US because He hated Israel and believed US's Middle East policy was unjust.
Ever since then, US repeatedly tried to topple Sadam's regime by using Sadam's rival faction or by assasination. This has been a continuous effort for many years before 9/11, both Democrats and Republicans alike. However, all attempts had failed. Fastforward to present days, the recent turn of events finally gave US excuse to declare all out war gainst Sadam and replace him with someone else who's pro-US.
Initially, Bush declared that the reason for the war is Iraq's capability for WMD. As this turned out to be unlikely, he changed his rhetoric from WMD to liberation of iraqi people. Wheather this is true or not is irrelevant. The problem is that he is changing words conviniently to justify himself.
The rhetotical question is: Had Sadam remained allied to US regardless of his ruthless dictatorship, would US still have invaded Iraq? The answer is most likely "no" The case in point is Saudi Arabia whose dictators are even more oppressive than Sadam. However, they are US allies and US will never invade Saudi Arabia.
With that, was the war right or wrong? No one can say for sure. Sadam WAS brutal dictator after all. Hwoever, it's very uncredible when Bush says that the war was about liberating Iraqi people and establishing democracy there as he does nowadays. All things aside, my point is that this war was purely about the political gain (i.e., establishing pro-US Iraqi governement). Don't say that it was about liberation and freedom. I doubt that our govenrment care about Iraqi people that much.
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Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
...The rhetotical question is: Had Sadam remained allied to US regardless of his ruthless dictatorship, would US still have invaded Iraq? The answer is most likely "no" The case in point is Saudi Arabia whose dictators are even more oppressive than Sadam. However, they are US allies and US will never invade Saudi Arabia.
...I doubt that our govenrment care about Iraqi people that much.
I doubt the Saudi's ever Chemed there own damn people and they were willing to work with us.
And at least a part of the government cares. We do. There are blankets and clothes and supplies that get sent over to Iraq and Afganistan all the time from here. WE adopted a village!
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I can't beleive we helped Saddam back in the Eighties.  BIGTIME TOO!
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Im glad the war happened (well not glad I mean I wish it didnt happen). Im from the UK and am glad our troops went out there with the US troops to stop Saddam but what does anger me is why wasnt there food and aid ready for use after the war? We left them without food and water at a time where we needed to be seen to be helping them... It seems like we screwed them over just to get Saddam...