Sailor Moon To Disappear From US?
According to the Arctic Nightfall boards, there's word that Toei has refused to extend Geneon's license for the Sailor Moon anime when it expires at the end of the year. Come 2005, all Sailor Moon product will be out of print, including the DIC/ADV videos and DVDs (their licenses ended in March), and the Tokyo Pop manga (which expired a couple of years back).

I wonder why Toei refused to renew Geneon and DIC/ADV's Sailor Moon licenses? Too much money, perhaps?

Out of curiosity, are there any other Toei-produced shows that still have active licenses in the US?

If Sailor Moon has any indication, and if there are no other Toei shows licensed or renewed in the US, it would be rather difficult, if not impossible, to get licenses for other Toei shows, like "One Piece".
we can only pray...
<a href="">Website</a>
It seems Toei has no interest in the American market no matter how profitable it might be.
Its unfortunate.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
In my opinion, I think the market for HKs and fansubs for Sailor Moon will heat up next year in the US (if not all English countries), as Sailor Moon will be without a US license next year. And unless Toei ends up extending Geneon's license or issue a license to another US company, it'll be like shooting themselves in the foot, as the HKs and fansubs will have the upper-hand, and they can't do a thing about it.
Are Viz not printing One Piece Manga?

Not to mention there are US releases of Saint Seiya, Getter Robo, Saiyuki, DBZ etc... and 50% of merchandise sales are generated outside Japan how could Toei not be interested in the USA?

Girls everywhere will be staging riots if they can't get their Smoon. And i can just see the prices of Smoon DVD sets go through the roof on ebay!
Quote:Are Viz not printing One Piece Manga?

Toei is only involved with the animated series -- they have nothing to do with the manga.
Fair enough but there are loads of Toei anime series in the USA.
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
Fair enough but there are loads of Toei anime series in the USA.

Dragonball (Funimation)
Maetel Legend (CPM)
Queen Esmeraldas (ADV)
Captain Herlock: Endless Oddesy (Geneon)
Sailormoon (Genon)
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Galaxy Express 999 Movie
Arcadia of My Youth
Sword for Truth
Babel II
Marmalade Boy
Boys over Flowers
Doomed Megalopolis
Ultimate Muscle
Devilman Lady
Saint Seiya
Fist of North Star
Crying Freeman
Psychic Wars
Cutey Honey
Ghost Sweeper Mikami

A few might have expired or be co-productions.
It seems that the myth of Toei not caring about the American market at all has been misproven.

But still, does Toei have any plans on reintroducing Sailor Moon in the US through a different licensee? Since the US still has a large number of "Moonies", it'll be nuts for Toei not to keep Sailor Moon alive in the states.
I wouldn't be said to see SM go or the "DIC" logo that comes on after the show is over lol
I don't think Sailor Moon will ever disappear from the US eyes, despite of how you feel about the show. As long as someone is still making money from any of the merchandise, there will always be Sailor Moon. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
the UK sets have gone dirt cheap the DVD's are goin for £5 a pop and they used to be 10-20
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