fx = Animation World International Limited?
I was just looking over the fx RahXephon I recieved recently, and found that nowhere on the case can i find the little fx symbol, but written in large type on the lower back of the case, it says Animation World International Limited. I checked the cover art against the fx cover art on here and it matches, so I know I ordered fx. Identical situation with my Martian Successor Nadesico.

Can anyone help me shed some light on the subject?
Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
Yes, Animation World International Limited is Fx. Don't know why some releases are released like that though.
Maybe to cover their tracks in case the police are looking for them.
Funny... but I think there is a method to their madness. I think it's certain R1 (company) rips. Though I really don't know for sure.
its because they dont wanna get sued by certain US companies that they must have had trouble with before. most notably disney (ghibli movies) and adv (eva, kenshin ovas, noir etc).
see you space cowboy...
Disney and ADV are strict about protecting their revenues. :p
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Disney and ADV are strict about protecting their revenues. :p

Well, looking at my dvd shelfs they aren't strict enoughBig Grin
I think they just started couple of months ago. I saw ADV taking down HK sets auctions on Ebay. Well..dunno...who cares anyway..

L@@king at my shelves--------> sorry.......99.999% R1s...imports never make it to the shelves...........they just lie around somewhere....:p Big Grin
Yeah, a few months ago ADV was sending nasty grams to sites who carry their properties to remove them-OR ELSE. One title I just bought yesterday "King Of Bandit-Jing" has the Animation World International Limited label on it but I know it's FX. I'm sure it's because it is an ADV title.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?

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