Got 2 questions about this series...

1.Is the manga any good?

2.Is there an Anime?

Was wandering...

and for number 3

3.How long is the manga like how many volumes?
Sshhh, i cant here the subtitles
Quote:Originally posted by killua-kun
Got 2 questions about this series...

1.Is the manga any good?

2.Is there an Anime?

Was wandering...

and for number 3

3.How long is the manga like how many volumes?

Well I liked the manga, it is sort of a cross between Alucard (Hellsing) and Vash (Trigun) Big Grin But I've only read one volume, 2nd one is ordered... They are still releasing it, Right Stuf has it listed up to vol. 11 which comes out April 6th, you might be able to check with ToykoPop and see if they have a total volume count...

No, I don't think there is an Anime for it... leastways I haven't seen one... doesn't mean there won't be one at some point.... Wink

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