R.O.D tv
Hey I was wondering if read or dream tv ends at episode 13 or does it go on the end of eps 13 kind of suggest this.I'm really into this series it has very likable characters with out yomiko readman.
It's out to episode 18 right now...and it's still ongoing. I've been watching fansubs by places such as AonE and AnimeStation...
do you know which fansubber distributes the on dvd? the one I have 1-13 is on dvd with no ail address or anything.
Did you buy those DVD-R's off ebay? Probably AnimeONE (AonE) since they only list their name at the intro, which could easily be replaced.

They're at 18 right now, and I'm DYING for the next episodes.

FYI, no group released it on DVD, someone downloaded them and burnt them and sold them.
anime fin has been releasing dvd rips in ogn format. They are up to episode 8, they look better than the AnimeOne fansubs but not by much. The animeone fansubs were sourced from satelite TV and the video is very good.

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