Haibane Renmei New Remastered Complete Collection HELP
Hello, Im new on this board. Im considering in requesting Haibane Renmei New Remastered Complete Collection DVD's (Sku #: DO648). I want to know of it is avaiable, cause I dont see it on the Store, but I did found it on the search mechanism. Is it avaible for sale?
Is it the best quality, cause reading uon the reviews, it seems that the subtitles has some problems.
If someone here has it, can someone explain to me about the subtitles.
Keep up the good site!

If you don't see the title you want in the store, it is not available on this site. There's a request section, you can request that title in their (or you can look for it in other import sites).
It hasnt been out all that long in a good jap rip- ask for it in the requests area. The last R1 will be out february 28 ( #4- I think its the last because there is 13 episodes ) and the R0 will be a few months after that ( if were lucky ) I have a AC version (TV rip ) which is terrible- the series, story and animation is fantastic- just that the TV rip was done very poorly- Im waitingfor the English version-Big Grin
I recommend MI's most recent version, ripped from the Japanese R2s -- they have the original next-episode previews, that have descriptions of various items used on the show (the Pioneer R1s have actual next episode previews instead, featuring just that -- not sure what the older TV ripped version has).

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