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I'm new here, and I'm thinking of orfering some boxsets. But I want to make clear some questions I have...
1) How can these sets cost so little? Prices seem absurd compared to most R1 prices.
2) Are the sets 100% legit or are they bootlegs? I don't mind really, I just wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting.
Hopefully I'm not asking anything that's been asked lately or any questions to which the answers are posted somewhere on the site. If I do, humour me... please?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi and welcome to IA!
Let me take a stab at your questions:
1. This is the reason why you have opted to take a look at HKDVDs in the first place. HKDVD are cheap for a number of reasons such as, HKDVD are rips of R1, R2, other DVD releases or even TV rips, HKDVD companies do not pay licensing fees (this is the BIGGEST reason why prices are so low) and last but not least, they are mass produced in Taiwan, HK and/or China.
2. As I have stated before, since HKDVDs are rips (just as any form of fansub), they are not considered legit. Of course, what is considered 'legit' might depend on who you ask, but the truth of the matter is, HKDVDs as well as any form of fansubs are released without the consent of the anime copyright owners. When it comes to things here in North America, you could probably say that no company will make much of a fuss as long as that company has not licensed the anime in question.
If you really, really love a show, then go out and support it by buying the R1 releases if there are any. Otherwise, save yourself some money and just buy HK!
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I suppose this is a newbie question too, as it is my first on this forum ^_^
Had the chance to buy some weird stuff on eBay today; I wanted to ask you all if these are bootlegs...
Got some pro's:
- cheap cheap cheap
- distributed from China
- Chinese and English subs
- region 0
Got some contra's:
- audio not only in Japanese but also in Mandarin (5.1 Dolby Digital)
- 5 or 6 DVD's per box set
- I couldn't find the covers back on your site, except for one of Berserk, but that one contained only 3 DVD's and this shop's contains 5
- seller claims it's licensed and no bootleg, and I'm one of those who believes everybody's honest till the opposite has been proven....
I don't actually care much if it's bootlegged or not, but I refuse to buy that stuff if the seller is lying...
Can you help me?
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yea those are bootlegs, there is no licensed things that would have both chinese and english subtitles on the set ;p atleast for anime things.
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Thx for your answer

Still wondering why I couldn't find it on any HKDVD / anime bootleg site...
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yea the disc counts are off... they are either that mysterious "INDIAN" logo sets or something..
but one thing for sure, they are not licensed 100%
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This sounds like your going to get what you pay for , which probably isnt very much- some of these hk folks are even ripping each other off to make a buck- and their copies are not as good as the copies there ripping off ( just an opinion ) and if i dont trust someone, I dont deal with them- which is good advice.:o
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Thanks for your advice - won't buy them... Gtz and enjoy your weekend