Question about GTO
I just want to know how is the anime and what is it about. I want to buy it, but first I should see what the fans think. Is it similar to ranma or someting like it?
just google it and look for a review...
Hands down no questions asked my favorite. The sheer joy I get from watching this is unbelievable. I have never been so sad when something ended. I get this special feeling watching GTO that I can't explain. Even in slow parts I loved every second of it. Even the great cowboy bebop cannot compare. Everyone must see it at least once. My all time favorite, and I have seen a lot. I need more. After finishing it you will long for more. There will an unfilable void inside of you. And not even the live action version or manga can fill it. ONly repeated viewings can even begin to fill the hole. WATCH IT NOW. Hell buy three so 20 years from now you're safe and can watch it again and again.Big Grin
I felt that GTO was amazing till about episode 15 or so, as it mirrors a lot of the story arc of the 12 episode live action show, which had awesome storylines and no filler episodes. As far as the anime goes, I felt that it had too much filler material; I've been stuck at like episode 28 and haven't been compelled to pick it up again as the story lines have been kinda blah for the past 10 episodes or so...

Can anyone who seen all of the anime series comment on if the story picks up and ends on a high note?

MackoDiggs, if you're a big fan of the anime, I would suggest that you check out the live action version. It's better than the anime IMHO Smile

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