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I watched like, the first 4 episodes of Inu Yasha. I want to buy it, so I would like to know if the other episodes are as good.
I did not come to fight. I came to watch the end of your existence. -Twilight of the Dark Master
<img src="C:\Documents and Settings\Zan\Desktop\Lyxzan\Pictures\HimuraKenshin.jpg">
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I watch some episodes, like 30 and I want to buy it as well just 3 words
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2 words - - - - Rumiko Takahashi!!!! Why are you still sitting there??? Go out and buy the damn thing already.
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I agree whole heartedly with Vicious. It is Takahashi. I'm still waiting to see the rest that is out. I'm on episode 30.
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I can't stand to read any of Takahashi's manga, not one bit. The artwork is too horrible and plain, then drawwwwwn out. I can't watch any of her animes either, but IY is the only one I can slightly stand. The TV show made her generic artwork look better, although far too many characters still annoyingly resemble other characters she's done.
Oh how I wiiish someone like Yuu Watase had made Inu Yasha...
(start flaming!!

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Yuu Watase's stuff all looks the same too.
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Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Yuu Watase's stuff all looks the same too.:D
Ontop of being the hardcore Gundam fan here, I'm the resident CLAMP fanboy and Watase fanboy, and sadly, this is true. Look at her manga, and her anime. They all have the same character design for the main character. Tooya looks like Tamahome. It's the "Tamahome" character design that is used over and over, not that it's a terribly bad deisng, but she also had a lot of repetitiveness in her work. I could list off characters who look like characters from her other works all day, but I'm going to just leave it here :P
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
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I like inuyasha alot, unlike other long series( like kenshin really sucks starting with the christian saga), inuyasha gets alot better with each episode.
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Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Yuu Watase's stuff all looks the same too.
Not to say that this is a bad thing.
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I have been watching it now for 4 years and I am now on episode 115, and I hate to say thisk, but like most of Takahashi's series except for the Mermaid saga, it does get a bit repetative. Don't get me wrong it still kicking but repetative none the less.
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l loved it, l brought the Fx set for my lil sister but ended up watching and was throughly entertained. It reminded me of 3x3 eyes in atmosphere and mood, really good. Can't wait for set 2. However, saying that l watching episode 43-46 and was quite dull
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um from looking at my avatar there really is no need to answer this question
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I've finished the first set of DVD's and am looking to buy all of them now...if from what i've heard it's alot like ranma in that it gets kinda old after a hundred episodes but then what dosen't if only one person is comming up with the stories. I'll still spend the money to see how it all turns out so I guess she's doing something right. ^_^
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Quote:Originally posted by chrismadd
I've finished the first set of DVD's and am looking to buy all of them now...if from what i've heard it's alot like ranma in that it gets kinda old after a hundred episodes but then what dosen't if only one person is comming up with the stories.
Detective Conan.

And Kindaichi.
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Conan i did notice a sprinkling of character development now and again and the ocassional episode which was more than just filler.
Kindaichi i loved but the anime series was a bit short and thus seemed to lack much character development. It was quite amazing the way they always got isolated from the outside though wasn't it?