Does anyone know how much Kenshin Perfect collection costs?
Sku #: MA271E
Discs: 10
Audio: English, Japanese
Subs: English, Chinese
Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts
Series Info: Episodes 1-95

Hee. I like doing that.
Seriously, does anyone know how much it costs???
7$ a DVD for MAC and AS/MAC DVDs.

9$ a DVD for FX/MI/AV DVDs.

Simple isn't it.
I actually saw the Perfect Collection for $100. I think it's like 12 discs or something.
I did not come to fight. I came to watch the end of your existence. -Twilight of the Dark Master

<img src="C:\Documents and Settings\Zan\Desktop\Lyxzan\Pictures\HimuraKenshin.jpg">

I believe there are two sets of the RK perfect collection, one of which is 12 DVDs.

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