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Okay, so last night I saw the new Tarantino flick, "Kill Bill: Volume 1", for the second time and I have to say the man is an INSANE GENIOUS!! Kill Bill is withoutadoubt one of the BEST FILMS OF ALL TIME!!! This is how film should be done!! Yes! ohmygawd YES!!! By far Tarantino's best work to date and that is saying one helluva lot!!
I won't spoil a second, save to inform y'all that any impressions you might get (from the trailers among other things) of the film being some goofy kung-fu comedy in the vein of kung-pow (or whateva) are completely wrong!!! This film is a brilliant and instantly-classic masterpiece!! Truly Tarantino has a POWERFUL command of his craft and that gigantic lexicon of knowledge inside his noggin. After a film like Pulp Fiction you'd never have thought he could improve or invent upon his style so exponentially, but Tarantino reminds us once again that he is a super-human-madman, a master of all cinema, and he does not know how to even begin to fail.
Hats off Quentin!!! My 1,000,000.999...% recommendation for KILL BILL!!! (GO SEE IT!! NOW!!!)  
P.S: If anyone needs more convincing, let me know and I can lay down the film, (I have the whole thing pretty much committed to memory after TWO viewings!)  Trust me on this one!  
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I think it was pretty good too, I still enjoyed Pulp Fiction better but its all a matter of opinion. I loved that the hot chick from Battle Royal is in it and that they even put about 10 minutes of anime in it, but what got me the most was seeing MR. White, I thought that was pretty cuu.
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Kill Bill: Volume One is one of the best movies I have ever seen (saw it opening day, and I'm still thinking about it). I can't wait to see it again. I hardly suggest the film to anyone.
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Aaaaahh. You Americans get all the good stuff first. Even though I am a huge Tarantino fan I have to wait till 20Nov. to see it because I'm in Europe. And on top of that everyone on the internet seems to have seen it and loved it. It's getting insainly good reviews all over. I am going crazy with anticipation here.
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Quote:Aaaaahh. You Americans get all the good stuff first. Even though I am a huge Tarantino fan I have to wait till 20Nov. to see it because I'm in Europe.
Just tough it out there, Elco, I promise it will be mighty worth it.  As for all that jazz from, James Berardinelli, etc,: y'know there are just gonna be some people who don't GET IT (and were prolly expecting Pulp Fiction II anyways...)  I think I speak for all of us in-the-know though when I say I need a hearty tube of Mascul-Out for all the protein stains I now have all over my pants... I can't even freaking take my mind off the film for a second, let alone stand waiting for Vol. II... AIEEE!!!
That does suck about your wait there, Elco... do you guys get Vol. II late in the game as well? Well at least you got the Family Guy DVDs before us Yanks. That's sort of fair... well... no, no it isn't really. I would prolly trade all fifty eps. of family guy for a Vol. III of Kill Bill (hehe, sweat  ), but that ain't happening so I'm cool, I'm cool. Just do yourself a favor and make sure you WAIT to see it in theaters. Don't give in to the temptations of Kazaa or MIrc or whateva. This film is well worth the $8.00 admission, (what is that, like 5GBP?)
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The UK is not included as Europe in this instance. Kill Bill was in London as of last week and all over the nation from this Friday, which is when I'll go and see it.
I'll reserve my judgement of it as a 'film' when I see both parts. I'm curious to see if this cut truly is artificial or if it was just a ploy all along.
I'm a fan of Tarantino and glad to hear what should of been his next film - Inglorious Bastards - is still going ahead.
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Yeah, I'll wait it out and definetly won't be downloading it. I want to see that blood flying all over the screen like you only get in the cinema.
About these reviews, I always would like to see the reviewers list what movies they did think were good. I mean if someones favorite movie is Pretty Woman (which is their right) you can be sure they won't like this one, so no need for a review from them since they will bash Tarantino regardless.
Here in europe (where we pay in euro's, not pounds :p ) this is actually not so long a wait as ussual(but still much to long for this kind of movie). We have to wait six weeks now and normally its much longer. The second movie I think also comes over here six weeks after you get to see it and I get to read your reviews about it :mad:
Oh, six_plus_one, I hope it is coincedence but Elco is my real name. +10 points for you. Another 10 if you can guess my last name
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You're all lucky Bastards, this includes you Eurpeans!!!
I don't even know when Kill Bill is coming out in Japan, which means I have to go see it on Base w/ every other GI Joe around here. Packed theater, crappy food, lousy screen, half decent sound system...I'm sure you get the picture.
So, please, no more complaining about the wait...I may never see it in a good theater!
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I may never see it in the theater. I won't get a chance till January since the movie theater is so far away here on campus. Also, by that time, I'm guessing most theaters will drop it in anticipation for the 2nd and whatever films are released at the time.
I may be able to see it in the cheap theaters...
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Quote:Oh, six_plus_one, I hope it is coincedence but Elco is my real name. +10 points for you. Another 10 if you can guess my last name
Ummm... Bleibtreu? Nonono... it wouldn't have anything to do with 'holic' would it? Cuz, y'know, all-together that rhymes with a funny word.  Yes, and I knew it was your first name because, you see, I'm very, very psychic. Very. But not to worry, I'm having a doctor take a look at it next week. Hehe.
Anyways, it's good to see that Quint has so many loyal supporters around here. I think this is one of the best turns cinema could have ever hoped for. Just for reference points on my film scoring criterium, I do not, in fact, appreciate 'Pretty Woman'.  I think we've all listed our favorite films countless times before, but I should think that mee short list goes something like:
2) Dancer in the Dark
3) Hedwig and the Angry Inch
4) Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
5) Requiem for a Dream / Pi
6) Pulp Fiction
7) Silence of the Lambs / Hannibal
8) Amadeus
9) Seven / Fight Club
oh yeah, and at 1) Kill Bill, (see I did a Tarantino chronology shift, hehe).
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I watch a lot of movies and that was by far my favorite sorry killer or desperado. I was insulted that most people left with a wtf expression on their face. When my friend called it weird messed up trash I and said it sucked I was suprised how I felt it was my duty to make people realise how good it was. Even though nothing else has compared to this movie part 2 is doomed to failure. People can't take it. It's to much for the average public. I've watched import movies from all countries since I was like 7 so it was such a cool nod to hong kong and japanese cinema. So for me it was awsome and fresh for an american movie. I hope we see more original stuff like this here. I just wish people wern't so closed minded.
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Well while people maybe able to give complete reviews for other movies that are broken up. Like Lord of the rings, Matrix, or Starwars you can't do that with this. Kill Bill is really a 3 Hour and them some movie. That the company though would work great in two parts. Double there money and we only sit in the theater half as long. Hell if it works good on them. I personally can't wait for the movie. And will reserve my jugdment till I have seen both parts. But any movie that has my man David Carradine in it I know is going to have some damn good Fight scenes as well as Uma Thurman I know the Dilogue is going to be top notch as well...
So I am hyped up for it plus I understand there is some good anime scene in the movies as well.
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I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
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ah yes the anime.... good god the anime... 
Nonono... no spolierin', buuut... I would have to say that I felt that the movie, I feel, stands alone just as fully as say, the Empire Strikes Back, not that I'm comparing them in any way, just saying I fully trust Quentin when he says that he feels the cut works, and it really is kinda nice to have the episodic feel to it.
I'll bet most "people" (pedestrian-moviegoers) would have had worse reactions to it had it been one 3+hour epic that they couldn't quite understand, as opposed to the two shorter films which they will not understand.  At least in this neck of the woods (that neck being ever-so red), it feels like people aren't very huzzah about the film (LIKE THEY SHOULD BE) and are instead kinda "oh it's ok" or "it's not my type of movie" except for the friends of mine who are true film appreciaters.  You'd have to see it to know what I mean, but the ending of Vol. I, to me, was very satisfying. I don't know why all the hubbub.
Also, does anyone know about how long Vol. II is expected to be? I clocked Vol. I in at just about the 2 hour mark I believe. Does that mean we're looking at a 1&1/4 hour Vol. II? (I keep hearing "3+ hour film" being used, to me that says "3 hrs, 10 min.") I hope not. I guess I'll find out in February.
And lastly, I'm curious about Tarantino's next flick scheduled for 2005 called "Inglorious Bastards". Have y'all heard anything about it yet? I hear it'll be set in WWII Europe with some U.S. soldiers about to be executed and then getting a chance at reprive. Quint says it'll be heavily spaghetti-western in the vein of the Dirty Dozen. Neato. I can't wait.  For now though, Kill Bill.
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Quote:Originally posted by six_plus_one
I'll bet most "people" (pedestrian-moviegoers) would have had worse reactions to it had it been one 3+hour epic that they couldn't quite understand, as opposed to the two shorter films which they will not understand.
Pulp Fiction was quite close to being 3 hours long, and many people felt that it was a REALLY awesome film. I rarely hear people disliking this movie.
Quote:Originally posted by six_plus_one
At least in this neck of the woods (that neck being ever-so red), it feels like people aren't very huzzah about the film (LIKE THEY SHOULD BE) and are instead kinda "oh it's ok" or "it's not my type of movie" except for the friends of mine who are true film appreciaters. You'd have to see it to know what I mean, but the ending of Vol. I, to me, was very satisfying. I don't know why all the hubbub.
You can't say that people SHOULD like a film or not. Granted I haven't seen it yet, it's unfair to say that disliking a film makes your opinion less valid or etc etc etc. I think you get at what I'm trying to say.
FYI - über means above, not super, for future reference.