Minor Update
Have a minor update today but before I list the items I thought I'd premote the Trade Forum, register for our forum and go to trade section where you can trade away or for, ps2 games, xbox games, gamecube games, NES games, anime DVDs, live action movie DVDs etc etc etc... please check my trade thread too ^_^ always looking to trade.
  • [Live Movie] Junk - Everybody fights
  • Shaman King
  • Hellsing MAC (new set? english audio?)
  • Serial Experiments Lain
  • Record of Lodoss War Complete Perfect Collection (TV and OAV together)
  • FLCL
  • Initial D Second Stage

Hey JunkieJoe, does the Record of Lodoss War complete perfect collection include the Japanese audio for the TV series also. Just asking since the MI set only had the english dub. By the way, just got my order from IA today. Only took a few days to get to California. Thanks for the fast service!
[Image: diff1.jpg]
OtakuMonster, thats exactly my question when I saw that set, since R1 rip was around for a while but it was DUB ONLY... and horrible Dub at that... I actually have the set sent out Zagatto, the resident reviewer, he should have a review of it up in a day or 2, I specifically asked about the TV series and Jap with Eng Subs thing.
Could I request the return of the Fushigi Yuugi "Black Box set" I believe it was the 8 disk set from FX "Limited Edition" Sub/Dub

It was there just moments ago, now it's gone *whine*

If you can possibly grab more of them that would rock!

~ Chi
It will be back in stock mid next week.
Can we request hentai titles too?
[Image: diff1.jpg]
JJ when are expect those bad-ass GTO perfect collections in?

(its my 400th post, yay!)
see you space cowboy...
GTO will be released early next week if its on schedual, I will receive it mid next week and all the Pre-Orders will be shipped mid next week.

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