What are people watching now (series)?
I watched the first disc of something called Virus: Virus Buster Serge.
I'm watching Fusghi, and its great, I loved Escaflowne and l love this too....


however, u know the blonde chick did she like really get ahem....raped?
I've been watching Fushigi Yugi also, but I'm going slow because I'm waiting for Seiryu to come in so I can finish watching the series. I'm at like episode 18 and I only watch 1 a night or every other night.
Hey Vicious, you're on episode 18 right, so u know what happened to the girl, did she get raped by those guys or not, or was just badly beaten...
******SPOILERS for Fushigi Yugi*******

They never really show the entire thing, but you can tell that she got raped. She wouldn't have that much hatred otherwise and tried cutting her wrist and killing herself.
The story early on makes one believe she got raped, but did she really? You find out the story later on (episode 40 or so).
Well I thought her character gettin raped was big deal becasue l wasn't expecting it, it was sort of wrong l felt, her getting hit be ok but getting raped was sort of....ummm......not nice....especially in this series which is funny and cute to watch
Yeah, except I've heard people tell me that Fushigi Yugi is really a sad and tragic story. So I knew it wasn't going to be all cute and funny all the time. Guess I'll have to wait until episode 40 to see what happened, but right now they really do make it seem like she did get raped.
Its just l'm watching fusghi with my sister who's 12, and its sort of odd when l have to explain to her what happened to the girl, so l kinda made it out that the guys stole her money 8O
Haha. I do that stuff like that with my little brother all the time. I was playing GTA3 and he saw the car creaking up and down after I picked up a hooker and he was like what's wrong with your car, is it broken? I couldn't make up anything, so I was like Yeah, it's broken. Or I used to havve him close his eyes all the time during nude scenes, but there's too much, so I don't care anymore. I just don't let him watch harder core stuff. But I mean how else can he watch Ranma without seeing Ranma naked every other episode?
Ranma is sort of different, l can sort of let my sister watch that, but rape is sort of different u knowWink
I know. But I just wasn't trying to show him nudity in general. I think he already knows what rape is though. I don't really mind showing him violence either. He's 13 now and I still don't use cuss words aroiund him. I'm sure he's already learned them from school. But I'm not trying to promote that though.
wow! this thread ran away from me! :mrgreen: I just skipped most of it when I saw "spoiler" everywhere, well anyway just finished somemore azumanga daioh, I am not going threw it that fast and I still probably wont finish it for a few days.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Watched more of Hikaru no Go..... Excellent. That is all there is to say about that show. :mrgreen:
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
man it seems like you have been on that for a while, just how many episodes are there?
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]

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