Suggestion :. Info on Requests
Hello ^_^ I'm a newbie to this requesting and everything.. but I was thinking that it'd be better for you guys if you had a "READ ME" or information sticky or something with details about requesting, because I didn't know about certain things until I looked it up. Things to include in the request guide would be like..

- Pricing for DVD's
- Shipping internationally, and for how many items
- How long a request would take to be filled on average
- In general, the steps in the requesting process

I tried looking at the About & FAQ, but neither provided information about it.. so ^^; ..

It's just a suggestion though.. And something I'd like to get details about .. if you already have a thread about it, please share.. I couldn't find one.. T-T .. of course, there are threads all over about it, but I think if you had a specific guide about it it'd be easier ... Thanks a lot ^_^-

Also, question.. Is it true that DVD's can get out of print .. or are they forever being made?

Thanks! ^_^
7$US a DVD for AS. MAC or AC/MAC DVDs
9$US a DVD for FX, MI, AV DVDs.

6$US for Canada and the US for any size order
10$US anywhere else for any size order

I can't really help with this one. I've requested items a couple of itmes here, it usually took a week or two.

Post your request here, just remember to specify which company produced the set you are requesting

Don't know if HKs go out of print or not

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