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11-11-2004, 09:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2004, 09:48 AM by Sweet_Marie.)
Here are the ones I remember.Umm, Care Bears ,My Little Pony , Strawberry Shortcake ,Tales,Snorks ,Smurfs ,Gummie Bears ,Gargoles ,The Chipmonks ,Duck Tales ,Nija Turtles ,Inspector Gadget , Rainbow Bright , Popples , Lady Lovely Locks ,Sonic Adventures ,Super Mario Brothers , Muphet Baby's ,Captian Planet ,Sesame Street , Flintstones ,Jetsons ,Scooby Doo ,Flintstone Kids , Hmm,that's all I can come up with for now.
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Illiusions are everywhere.............. :eek:
Mr.Morning has a grudge going.Mr.Day always seems to fly away.Mr.Night kisses goodnight.but Mr.Dream always makes you scream..but though that is the way of your day.Mr.Days is always guideing your ways.
Always guideing your Days always guideing your ways.I'll be with you my Mr.Day.
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Voltron and TMNT kick everyones butts though.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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oh lets the old schoolness continues, I'll break them up from 80's to 90's.
Thundercats, Silverhawks, Bravestar, Dipplado's, Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors, Ulysees, Cities of Gold, Pole Position, Visionaries, Mask, Ring Raders, (old) Flash Gorden, Dino Riders, Centurians, Dogtanion, Dungeons & Dragons, Transformers, Go-bots, He-man, old Godzilla, Fantastic 4 (with the robot, not human torch), The Hulk (old one)
Turtles, Gigantor, Battle Tech, Captain N, Zelda, Skeleton Warriors, Conan, The Tick, Earthworm Jim, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Gargoyles, X-men, Spiderman (not 70's one), Pirates of Darkwater, Sharky & George, Double Dragons
I remember more old school stuff, Swampthing and most of the stuff mentioned, as well as some other wierd stuff. But I've only mentioned the ones that I actually watched on a regular basis.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
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Ryujin Wrote:oh lets the old schoolness continues, I'll break them up from 80's to 90's.
Thundercats, Silverhawks, Bravestar, Dipplado's, Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors, Ulysees, Cities of Gold, Pole Position, Visionaries, Mask, Ring Raders, (old) Flash Gorden, Dino Riders, Centurians, Dogtanion, Dungeons & Dragons, Transformers, Go-bots, He-man, old Godzilla, Fantastic 4 (with the robot, not human torch), The Hulk (old one)
Turtles, Gigantor, Battle Tech, Captain N, Zelda, Skeleton Warriors, Conan, The Tick, Earthworm Jim, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Gargoyles, X-men, Spiderman (not 70's one), Pirates of Darkwater, Sharky & George, Double Dragons
I remember more old school stuff, Swampthing and most of the stuff mentioned, as well as some other wierd stuff. But I've only mentioned the ones that I actually watched on a regular basis.
Do you remember Swat Kats the Radical Squadron at all? That was cool and so was
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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I still watch some of the old cartoons.I have all of the rainbow brite episodes but 2 don't work,2 care bear movie,1 My little pony movie,Chipmonks the movie,I gave my little brother the sonic movies I had,I have a dark wing duck comic magazine,I just got rid of all my gargoles cds I got of of ebay.And Lady lovely Locks I had a book Somewhere I lost it.I love old cartoons.and my favorite movies are Pride and Prejudice,Anne of Green Gables,Gone with the wind,sound of music,Sense and Sensibility,Emma.I think the should have a channel on tv where the play all of these old shows and movies all day long.Oh! and I remembered after Ryujin mentioned the name Earthworm Jim.I have the game for Nintendo.^_^
Though I probubly would not have seen or watched alot of them if my family was not so big.I am 1 in 10.So some of the old show's I only seen cause they taped it off tv years before.Hehe.^_^
![[Image: Here.png]](
Illiusions are everywhere.............. :eek:
Mr.Morning has a grudge going.Mr.Day always seems to fly away.Mr.Night kisses goodnight.but Mr.Dream always makes you scream..but though that is the way of your day.Mr.Days is always guideing your ways.
Always guideing your Days always guideing your ways.I'll be with you my Mr.Day.
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Damn, Ryo anwsered Prostars before I got here.
Silverhawks, Bravestar, Bionic Six... this thread reads like my Ebay shopping list. Which reminds me, I gotta pick up Captain N bootlegs for someone for xmas.
Thanks to David, I have three lawn gnomes in and around my house, and I know there will be more after a moment of weekness.
It's not as old yet, but does anyone miss Exo-Squad or is that just me? Even better, what about Belle and Sebastion, or The Adventures of the Little Prince? And we can't forget to ask about Lassies' Rescue Rangers. OMG it tastes like childhood.
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WandererX12 Wrote:Damn, Ryo anwsered Prostars before I got here.
Sorry used to be my favorite show and almost everyone I talk to doesn't remember it.
Was just glad to see it mentioned. By the way does anyone remember Stunt Dawgs or
what about the Bill and Ted cartoon? Captain N was good too. Anyway I'll try and stop
now but dmn good memories.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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I actually have all of the Mysterious Cities of Gold on high quality MPEG II. That was one of my favs growing up. Dungeons and Dragons, Johnny Quest, Thunder Cats were favs of mine also
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OMG readin this had brought back the good ol' days again
i wanna be a kid again and watch em esp every saturday morning
come to mention it
for the majority of them i never ever got closure and saw how they ended coz they never showed most the endongs on TV just can it halfway and play another or something GRrrrrr
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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DARK OSAMU Wrote:Remember The Zelda Cartoon?? Or how about Captain N???
Street Sharks?? How about Beetle Juice??? Battle Tech?? the Hurricanes?? followed by Double Dragon!!! Bucky O'Hare, Attack of the Killer Tomatos, and Mega Man??? Dino Riders anyone??
Remember all these???
OMG, I remember those.... I still remember part of the main theme of "Attaaaack.... of the Killer Tomaaatoes"! Captain N was awesome. The Zelda cartoon only showed on Fridays, on that Super Mario show, with the live-action plumbers at the beginning and ending of the episodes. Heck, I downloaded all 13 zelda episodes last year on Kazaa or Ares. Awesome stuff.
Anyone remember ExoSquad? or Toxic Crusaders? or Teen Wolf!
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:That show you were thinking about is called Prostars. It is where I got my sports heroes.
Oh yeah... I remember that now.... it came on right after Captain N. It was Wayne Gretsky, Bo Jackson, and Michael Jordan.
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i never saw zelda
but the tick is awesome
and the critic i own that actually
oh if anyone knows how i can get the tick (animated) boxset let me know cus i don't think they ever made one.....
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Two stupid dogs, anime nia cs, (think that will get through the filter) historia - pretty much anything coming out of the wb for a few years there.
Saturday morning used to be such a great day to get up and watch cartoons. I was flipping through channels not too long ago because I happened to be up earlier (that doesn't happen often unless I work) and all the cartoons were crap. =/ Kids nowadays are getting jewed Saturday mornings.
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The ones I remember watching were Chip & Dale, Tale Spin, Denver the last dinosaur, and Punky Bruster. I love the them song to Tale Spin and Chip & Dale. I always thought Gadget would have screwed Dale.. maybe in the hentai version.
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Man out of all the shows named no-one said G.I. Joe I swear half of the battle was knowledge the other was killing Cobra. I loved that show. I swear the german chick on the bad guy's side was sexy if you removed her glasses. lol