Lain !!!!
hm, i don't know if i liked this series or not. I watched it in about 7 days and i usually forgot the previous eps. when i continued on when i had time to watch it. Is it supposed to make sense or what ?
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
If it does make sense, I probably don't know it -- I've seen the series myself (mainly as it's from the same person responsible for "Niea Under 7", which I saw before Lain), and I still couldn't make heads or tails out of it by the end.
Yeah I think everyone who has seen the series has had that problem. However, you got to love the animation and the character designs are fantastic. I love the cinematagrophy as well it was done really abstract and to an extent the series made a bit of sense probably less sense then Evangelion but still you leave the show understanding a little. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
You're not alone on that one. I watched the series one or two episodes a night for a similar amount of time and it was an odd show. Slow pacing, not a lot of action, cool animation, and a pretty good soundtrack. I didn't really understand it all by the end and plan to watch it on another go around to see if that gleans some further comprehension. I suggest the same.
Keep yourself marketable...earn an MBA.
My Lain Experience:

Circa Episode 1: "Hmm, this could be interesting..."
Circa Episode 4: "Okay, now it's getting interesting..."
Circa Episode 7: "So, this should get moving and I should see a plot anytime now..."
Circa Episode 11: "Okay, I'm sure this is going somewhere, and there'll be a big payoff..."
Circa End of Episode 13: "Well, shit."

Wierdness for the sake of wierdness, plot threads that never went anywhere, and 6.5 hours of my life I'll never get back.
I still haven't watched the second half of it. The pacing was way to slow, just as I thought the plot would start advancing they would have an entire episode about God knows what.

One day I'll have to find the willpower to watch it all, I probably have to start over cause I don't remember much of what I saw now.

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