Love Hina - Perfect collection (MAC) info?
Just wondering if anyone has any info on the MAC set of Love Hina Perfect Collection. Is it a direct rip of the FX release? If so, does anyone know if MAC added episode 25 or not? One of the reviews said that the FX set was missing episode 25. Any further info? Thanks.
It's a rip of the fix set but the people at MAC said they were going to add episode 25 and a dub track to the spring special but they had to sell of their first batch of sets first

Ask them yourself by emailing them
Just got my Love Hina Perfect set today. It does have the dub and spring/xmas specials but still no episode 25 to be found Sad.

Oh well, it seems to be very good quality otherwise from what I've seen so far but man that episode 25 was awesome I was hoping it would be on there like MAC said it was when I emailed them.

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