I am using Norton Internet Security 2003. If I have it enabled then all the small studio graphics, rating stars have a small red and white graphic that says LEECH. Why is this happening? If I disable the program and refresh it goes back to normal. Is there some sort of Proxy block on the site?

NIS2003 - Medium Security Level
"Blocks sending of Web Browser information"
"Warns you when you send personal information"
"Does not block cookies"
Yeah, that happens to my when on my mom's computer. Just disable it for your session here.
That is because we have a script on our images that reflects if its coming from Import-anime.com or not.. which we check via the Referer ..
So in Norton you have to go to the Privacy Settings and disable browser privacy (which doesn't really protect your privacy anyway as your IP address will always be logged regardless of that setting)

and you won't get that at all..

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