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I'm gonna start a beginner's class in a month with Jennifer. I know it's low impact exercise But it's better than nothing. I've always wanted to try it so I'm really excited. =) Beginner's class is like 3 months and that teaches you the 108 forms, pretty much. Then after that there's a continuing class that you can attend any time monday through thursday. We're gonna sign up for 4 months which is beginners and a month of continuing. Comes with T-shirts for us too.

I've never been motivated to exercise before, which is cool. For those of you who I haven't told, I've actually lost 29 pounds now since Feb and am 3 pounds away from being officially not overweight.

I told myself I'd start exercising once I got to 167 pounds, which is the max weight for my height.. I should get there by the first week of July. If not, I'm starting anyway. If I get there earlier, then I guess I gotta start exercising sooner in some other way before my classes start. So yeah I won't be around tues or thurs nights starting in july. Here's the website:
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Tai-Chi is a good low impact exercise program to do, not only that but it chills you out really well too. I did some classes about six or seven years ago and really got into it. However, because of one thing or another I had to stop, but I really wish I didn't because it certainly is worthwhile to learn and from Tai Chi you can get into harder forms of exercise as well.
Fortunately, like anything Tai-Chi is always better to do with a friend/companion, so I think you'll get a good kick out of it Shibo.
Big kudos too Shibo on the weight loss dude!
Welcome to my world.
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Thanks. =) Losing the weight was actually easy, but not fun at all.. So I do not plan on gaining any of it back. I like going out to eat a few nights a week and I do not enjoy not being able to order anything I feel like ordering off the menu. Someday I want to be able to do that again. I'm gonna start doing cardio (after I lose 3 more pounds

) and keep losing weight and replacing fat with muscle within a few weeks..Maybe some day I can actually be healthy and toned. But so far being less fat and losing weight has been good enough for me. Hopefully Tai Chi will make me flexible. Maybe I can do a martial art or something some day but I wanna be able to actually stretch first.
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Hahaha I'm a big guy compared to you. I'm about 6 feet and 190. Not sure if that is overweight. I do a lot of weight lifting so I have a lot of my weight coming from muscles. Though I need to tone my abs some more.
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The recommended max weight for someone 6 feet tall is 169, pie. =) At least till you hit 25 then it goes up to 177. I need muscle.. I think the only ones I have are the required ones.. Most of the others are jello.
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I'm not soft at all but I wonder if I should lose some weight after the next football season. ^_^
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where you get the max weight things? because i am 6' 175 and i still think i need to gain a little bit of weight.. Also i know at 6' the Air Force considers you overweight at 210 ;o) thats when they put you on a fat boy program.
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Weight Watchers online has the chart.. Let's see if I can paste it without it looking too weird:
1st column is Height (feet, inches) then Weight Ranges (in pounds) in this order:
Minimum for all adults
Recommended maximum for ages up to 25 years
Recommended maximum for ages between 25 & 45 years
Maximum for all Adults (45+)
4'9" 92 106 111 115
4'10" 95 110 115 119
4'11" 99 114 119 124
5'0" 102 118 123 128
5'1" 106 121 127 132
5'2" 109 125 131 136
5'3" 113 130 135 141
5'4" 116 134 140 145
5'5" 120 138 144 150
5'6" 124 142 148 155
5'7" 127 147 153 159
5'8" 131 151 158 164
5'9" 135 155 162 169
5'10" 139 160 167 174
5'11" 143 165 172 179
6'0" 147 169 177 184
6'1" 151 174 182 189
6'2" 155 179 187 194
6'3" 160 184 192 200
6'4" 164 189 197 205
6'5" 168 194 202 210
So first column you have the lowest you should ever weigh, then one of the others has the highest you should weigh depending on your age. I'm almost there now, woot. =)
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I still think that chart has #'s too low for the max weight.. because a person can be in perfect health with hardly any body fat and be over that weight.. o well.. i am way under the air force max.. so i am good to go.. hehe
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God I weigh more than you Schultz. Do you lift weights at all?!? I can bench about 200, and squat 400. My leg press is about 630. I can only curl about 70-80. Military press is terrible, I've been able to do 135 but I usually do about 95.
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Ummm do you call lifing dvd's to put into a player and moving mouse around and carrying my laptop around lifting weights.? wait thats at home.. Umm i do lift cable and do hard work at work.. but thats about it.. I don't go to a gym at all and lift weights.. though i should.. been thinking about it lately
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I wouldn't mind going into the military for engineering work. It's the combat that I could never do. What do you do for the military?!?
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How the HELL am I supposed to lose 80 pounds!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I am 6'3" and weigh 240 lbs! And I'm supposed to weigh 169!?!?!? I don't think so! I have hardly any fat at all!!!! I can't do that!!! I need to lose MAYBE 10 lbs because I do have a gut but it can't be seen if I stand up straight. That's IT though. Man that is one messed up chart!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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Shibo to lose some serious weight, run a mile a day. If you have a treadmill perfect, you can rewatch some anime while you run. Otherwise find a nice path and listen to some hig paced music while you run. That's what I do to stay in shape. Though this Tai Chi does sound pretty good. Good Luck Bro. If you take losing weight like your anime collecting passion (which is the case), you'll wither to nothing-ness in 2 months.
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Look at the chart for 6'3" again, Osamu. =) Your max weight would be 184 if you're under 25 which I think you are. as far as the accuracy of the chart.. I'm 3 pounds away from max and I know that I could stand to lose more. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat so someone who is kinda big and also has muscle on top of the fat is gonna weigh quite a bit more than the maximum recommended weight. Also remember that this chart was designed for the normal every day person. Sure, a body builder can weigh more than that and still be healthy but the chart isn't designed for the exceptions.. if they did that, every guy with a potbelly in america would look at the chart and go "Oh! Look at that! I'm not as overweight as I thought!" So there are exceptions to every rule but for a normal guy like me that chart looks to be right on the money. I don't have a big belly any more like I did in Feb but I can still pinch an inch around the middle there so I still have some fat to lose.. I don't need to be 139 pounds but I could probably lose 15 more pounds and still be ok.. Or at least replace the fat with muscle. Ah well, whatever. Even if I never get toned I'd like to get rid of the fat and keep it off.