Shibo :
Maybe you are talking about my review of Sennen Joyu (Millennium Actress) , i indeed wrote :
"Usually i don't comment on the quality of the Movie itself (just the DVD) but i must say that this is an absolutely stunning movie, a wonderful work of art, it breaks anime cliches . It's not for kids, and it's not for dragonballz fans, but in my opinion it's one of the greatest animation (anime or not) movies i ever saw.Trully a magic, heart breaking movie, don't miss it.I loved it

I don't know about you ...but i don't like ALL anime shows ! i like some anime shows ...I don't buy or watch Anime just because it's Anime ! I won't buy a Perfect Set of a show i don't like , just because it's a good HK rip ! I have some Anime that is pure and utter Crap !
About this movie, what i was trying to say, was that it was a movie for Adults...not kids , a drama , cerebral ,complex , not action based. I was trying to point out a audience for this Movie, not trying to critizice DBz in specific.
About DBz i don't think that it's far from being complete crap, or the worst anime ever done ...But, i don't think it's a good show (my opinion) , since the story it's just about some guys trying to destroy the world , then the Hero trains a lot, gets's hair gets longer and blonde, starts screaming , beats him up and saves the world (this happened with about 3 or 4 different enemies through the show ) ...oh! and the hero a dies, goes to heaven , comes back, dies...etc etc . Some fights take what ? 30 episodes ? and the Animation is crap ...lots, lots, lots of still images and guys just looking at each other.
Basically the story it's just an excuse for showing some fights, and it's extended beyond any reasonable length. I think it was fun for a couple episodes, till you figured out that it just dragged and was completely repetive. If you never seen any other anime shows, or you are a child you might loved it. I had seen lots of Anime , before seeing it , so ...
I am 30 years old, maybe i just like stuff with more substance and better story. Maybe it's just me ...i am too Old

...or just Demanding (Quality wise) :p