Just for you Gundam freaks

I wonder how much time and money it took this guy to set all that up.
Even though as a Gundam fan I find that to be quite impressive, I think the guy has WAY too much time on his hands! Smile
Welcome to my world.
Wow, look at all the mobile suits! 8O haha.
It's just like any other nerd that has a room full of Mech Warrior models...all painted and on those Foam landscapes. Just a spare time hobby. However, looks like this was on Exhibit, so he's probably got a bunch of money for it.
Hahahah, in pic 3 at the bottom it looks like the Mobile Suits are duking each other in the ass.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Only you would think of something like that Steve. 8O

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