reviews wont post!
i have had the problem of my review not posting with serial experiment lain twice now. this is very annoying as i had alot to say and i certainly could not be arsed printing it out again. is this reality because i didnt not purchase the dvd from the site (i borrowed it from a friend) or were i views not shared by the staff at this site, or is this just fucked up? the other reviews i wrote were posted successfully, so ive only had problems with this one. i want answers...... please
the review u were posting u were rating the subs as like 1 star was not consistant with all other people that reviewed it... so i have no idea why u would rate the subs so low... did u not like minor typos or were u rating another version of the set?
no it was the same set, i just wasnt satisfied with the strange arangement of sentances, school children would definately not talk like that. plus i noticed that lots of lines were missing from the translation, i dont know if the other 3 reviews noticed this. do you still have either of the reviews? can you email me them? cause i couldnt be arsed typing all that out again, i promise not to be so harsh next time!
see you space cowboy...
Sorry I dont have them, and yes u should not be so harsh on few issues... because until u seen some real ENGRISH titles u would realize a few missing lines and some non perfect sentance arrangement (Lain in it self is weird anyhow) doesnt deserve a 1.5 for subs....

read some Yu Yu reviews.... where the english is simply incomprehensiable... just english letters mixed together into groups.
lol, dont think ill be payin any money for that then. no problem about the review, ill just have to write a new one. btw thanks for the free dvd with my recent order, i was convinced i was gettin some dodgy hentai that would mess up my head and leave me as a social outsider, but instead i got vampire hunter d bloodlust! which i had requested because i really wanted to buy it. thank you!
see you space cowboy...
Hi JJ (or whoever)

I have tried to submit review for MAC Generator Gawl for 5 times and it just doesn't get accepted (urgh!).

Anyway, there's the review for it:-

video 4.5
Crisp and clear for the most part, including intensice combat scenes.However in several first few episodes in disk 1, visible pixalation is found on dark sceneres. I can't recall pixalation was found in disk 2's episodes. Combat scenes are very fluid ;-)

audio 4
Stereo; Japanese and English. The English dub is decent and enjoyable to watch the title in.English dub fits the characters.

subtitle 2.5
Blah. Only has English subtitle and only *part* of the conversation is subbed. Luckily the English dub makes up for it ;-) (You must watch in English dub because the plot involves a bit of molecular genetic engineering and a human-play-god philosophy)

I definitely recommend this title. Like reviews in animenfo,178,s..._gawl.html, I'm impressed by the plot and a good ending be fitted in a 12 episodes.

This title is capable of keeping you guessing for the ending until the very last episode ;-)
You did submit a review but reviews have to be approved before they will show up.. So you just needed to submit one of them.. hehe now i gotta delete your other 3.. There is only 3 people that can approve reviews and well we arn't always on 100% of the time to approve reviews.. but yours has been approved now..

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