Anyone reading any good manga?
I love Legal Drug but the last time I read it (volume 3) was about 2 years ago! It's been on hold (not really cancelled) ever since. There's a small scene on XXXHolic where Yuuko sends Watanuki to their store to buy something.
If you like it you should try XXXHolic. It's not exactly the same but it's also bizarre and it poses more questions than it gives answers. Of course, XXXHolic the manga crosses over with Tsubasa so you might as well read Tsubasa too (it's quite good).

I've been seriously into darker, more serious manga (seinen) lately. On the other hand I've also found some shoujo titles that appeal to me quite much. I'm totally fed up with shonen manga though. I used to have lots of fun with it but nowadays I just find it boring and repetitive (there are a few exceptions of course).

I highly recommend ES- Eternal Sabbath, Del Rey already published volume 1 (I've been read it in French though).
For epic, dramatic manga with lots of ancient History in the middle check out Red River (same style as Basara which you should definitely read if you haven't already).
Genshiken is fun and original (the manga tells a lot more than the anime).
If you can find the scanlations I suggest you try Psychometrer Eiji (I always recommend this one :p), it's very interesting.

Any work by Eiji Otsuka (writer) is worth reading. MPD Psycho, Leviathan, Japan, they're all awesome! Same goes for the works of Kazuo Koike. Lone Wolf and Cub, Samurai Executioner and Lady Snow Blood are very good.

If you like the samurai genre then you should read Vagabond (about the life of Miyamoto Musashi), and the amazing Blade of the Immortal.

Berserk is also a must. The new Zetman by Masakazu Katsura is spectacular. Monster is superb.

If there are scanlations available you should really try Homunculus (Hideo Yamamoto). It's weird, it's dark, it's very interesting.
Quote:Homunculus tells the story of a middle aged man, who spends his days living in a car, smack inbetween a park infested with homeless people and a large, upper-class hotel complex. He has nothing, yet he is always classily dressed and looks well taken care of, despite the fact he sleeps in his car. Once a day, he always takes the car out for a ride, no matter what the weather. One day, an oddly dressed young man approaches him, and asks him if he would like to participate in a little experiment... Involving having a hole drilled in his skull. He promptly refuses; he has no need for money anyway. The next day, however, his car runs out of gas and gets towed. Desperate for money to get his car back, he approaches the young man and accepts to have the hole drilled in his skull. ''A safe procedure.'', he is assured. But then, of course, that's when the side effects kick in...

One of the most amazing manga I've ever read (and am still reading) is Shin Angyo Onshi. It's manga because it was created for Japan and published for the first time in Japan but it's author is Korean. Another great title by a Korean author is Dangoo.

Land of the Blindfolded is shoujo but it's a bit different from your typical "boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy and girl go through hardships, boy and girl end up happily ever after (or not)" kind of shoujo. It's really nice and for some reason I always feel serene after reading it.

And last, but not least, the title that I'll recommend until I die and that's an absolute must: Nana. I don't suppose I need to say anything else. Wink

Sorry if I don't say a lot about most titles but writing something about each one of them would keep me here all night. :p There's plenty of information on the internet so if you're interested all you have to do is use google.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Anyone reading any good manga? - by gubi-gubi - 07-07-2006, 10:00 AM
Anyone reading any good manga? - by Andromeda18_ - 07-07-2006, 09:32 PM
Anyone reading any good manga? - by Psygnius - 07-07-2006, 11:15 PM
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Anyone reading any good manga? - by odin0425 - 07-24-2006, 03:28 PM
Anyone reading any good manga? - by Blight - 07-08-2006, 07:34 PM

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