name one movie you thought would suck and turned out to be pretty good
Yeh it's quite a tough question, I really can't think of that many... I don't know, maybe some cheesy horrors that actually turned out quite good. Like maybe Wolf Creek and House of Wax or something. I didn't have high expectations for them (Im like that with most horror though) but I guess I was pleasantly suprised... I don't normally get that freaked out by horrors and I expect them to be scarier than they are but The Texas Chain Saw Massacre remake scared the hell out of me in a way I didn't think possible with all the watered down horror these days. I guess I set my sights low with horror but other films I don't go in with any expectations and try to watch as much diverse films as I can or if it looks that bad just avoid it.

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name one movie you thought would suck and turned out to be pretty good - by gubi-gubi - 05-28-2006, 02:18 PM

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