Is Metal Gear Solid 3 better than the other 2?
My favorite thing to do in MGS 3 is slam a guard into an electric fence and watch him burn up to death...and also I love piling a bunch of dazed guards on the rope bridge and as they realize something is wrong after they awake, shoot out a rope and watch them catapult to their immenent doom!


Oh almost forgot... Sticking TNT to a guards back and letting him walk near others or gas drums and detonating him. Holding them up with a shotgun and blasting them in the face hurtling them to oblivion is fun too!

So much to do in this game. It's a shame some out there don't like it.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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Is Metal Gear Solid 3 better than the other 2? - by DARK OSAMU - 02-13-2005, 07:07 PM

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