First Official Import-Anime Contest!!!
Hey folks,

In the interest of stirring up some activity of our members I've decided to start semi-regular contests here in the forum. The best part of these contests is that there will be prizes for all of the contests. The prize for this first contest is going to be a pair of plastic figurines from Ghost in the Shell that came straight from Japan to my house.

What do you have to do to win this prize you ask?
Simple. All you have to do is write a poem about anime and post it in this thread before noon Eastern Standard Time on Thursday the 22nd. Then, all entries will be judged and a winner will be announced. Following that announcement will be another announcement for the second official Import-Anime Contest. If these contests go well I would expect future prizes to include DVDs from the store along with other toys and anime related junk... er treasures that I've accumulated over the years.

To get the ball rolling, I've written a little lymeric. Feel free to write Haiku's, lymerics, Burmashave, iambic pentameter or any other poetic style that tickles your fancy (if you can pull off iambic pentameter then you've got a leg up on other entrants). Enter as often as you like just make sure your entries are original.

Let the games begin!

There once was a man from Nepean
Who had some anime worth seein?
He announced with a hop
As he set up his shop
There?s no better forum to be in.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
First Official Import-Anime Contest!!! - by Zagatto - 12-17-2005, 07:27 PM
First Official Import-Anime Contest!!! - by marka - 12-19-2005, 03:43 PM

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