Question about black lines on dvds...
I have a 60" LCD and a 50" Plasma. Both from Sony. Actually, come to think of it, I don't get much pixelations when I am watching HKs. All images are really clear, except once in awhile, the characters' outlines get blurry.
Other than that, I don't have any problems with pictures. The only problem I do have is the dvd players. The players don't play some FX DVDs well or don't play at all. Either there are a lot of freezings or there are a lot of pixelations.
Don't ask me for the settings on the TVs. I have no idea since I wasn't the one who set them up.
Depending on how old the TV is, maybe it's time for a tune up by the tune-up specialist. There are couple whom I know, they are really good but the fee is really high. It's about $1.5k for a day's work. After the tune-up, the TV's resolution is 200% better than when you purchased it new.

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Question about black lines on dvds... - by Japschin - 05-06-2004, 11:41 PM

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