04-29-2007, 07:03 PM
Was at Walmart today and saw all three xbox 360's in the store.
They had two of each, but the cores have beent here for months from what i can tell. They really should get rid of the core model. They had the new black controlelrs and acceseries as well, and i have to say i like the look of the black controllers better. Ill have no problem getting one with a white console.
They had two of each, but the cores have beent here for months from what i can tell. They really should get rid of the core model. They had the new black controlelrs and acceseries as well, and i have to say i like the look of the black controllers better. Ill have no problem getting one with a white console.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman